Category work and health

work and health


Generality Mobbing is a hostile and persecutory behavior carried out against an employee or a work colleague, in order to marginalize him or deprive him of the functions exercised in the field of work organization. The protagonists of mobbing are at least two: the active part (mobber) and the victim (mobbed)

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work and health

Fitness therapy for shift workers

Edited by Walter Milesi We are in the era of great demand for physical activity due to the various reasons that are imposed on us by progress and lifestyles not very consonant with maintaining human psychophysical abilities. One of these reasons, which I will discuss in particular, is the work carried out on alternate shifts in 24 hours, evaluating the effects induced to the biological clock and other, with the consequent psychophysical results measured during the training
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work and health

Diet and canteen

Eating in the Canteen Every day, especially for work reasons, millions of Italians have lunch outside the home and it is often difficult to reconcile this with one's diet. On the other hand, for restaurateurs it is certainly not easy to associate the palatability and quality of food with a reasonable price
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work and health

Sleep disorders: shiftworker's syndrome

In some cases, sleep-wake rhythms undergo net changes due to work commitments that are difficult to control. The shiftworker's syndrome affects people who have to change their work at least 3-4 times over the course of a month; it may concern professional figures employed in the sectors of health, commerce, traffic, construction, information, etc
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work and health

Shift work and health

By Dr. Stefano Casali Shift work is defined by its continuity, its alternation and its schedules. It stems from the need to guarantee essential services for the entire 24-hour period. Shift work, with alternating or successive teams, is called continuous when you carry out every day, including Sundays and holidays, and requires the constitution of a minimum of 4 work teams (3 teams working in 8-hour shifts and a team of rest); it is usually referred to as «continuous 4 x 8».
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work and health


Generality Mobbing is a hostile and persecutory behavior carried out against an employee or a work colleague, in order to marginalize him or deprive him of the functions exercised in the field of work organization. The protagonists of mobbing are at least two: the active part (mobber) and the victim (mobbed)
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work and health

Work, what a stress!

By Dr. Stefano Casali Work-related stress manifests itself when the demands of the work environment exceed the ability of the worker to face them (or control them). Stress is not a disease, but can cause mental and physical health problems if it manifests itself with intensity for prolonged periods. Working under a certain pressure can improve performance and give satisfaction when challenging goals are reached
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work and health

Shift work and health

By Dr. Stefano Casali The dissomnias are associated with other disorders in about half of the cases of intolerance to shift work (Andreoni D., 1991; G. Costa., 1999 .; Melino C., 1992). This suggests that dissomnia is the primary pathological sign of the desynchronization of circadian rhythms and of the phases of activity and rest
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