Generality The Naga Morich is one of the hottest varieties of chili in the world. The fruits obtained from this plant are classified as "exceptionally spicy" and, on the Scoville scale, reach a score of 1, 000, 000 SHU. To have a yardstick, consider that the Habanero pepper (best known in Italy) is rated as "extremely spicy" but, in the Scoville ranking, reaches levels of 80, 000-577, 000 SHU
Category spices
Generality Dill is an aromatic plant belonging to the Apiaceae family, Genus Anethum , Specie graveolens ; the binomial nomenclature of the dill is Anethum graveolens . Dill is a widely used culinary ingredient (for the respective organoleptic characteristics) and widely used in both the East and the Mediterranean
What's this What is star anise? Star anise - staranise or badiam or badiane - is a spice widespread all over the world. Star anise (Genus Illicium and specie verum ) is a medium-sized evergreen tree (up to 10 meters high), belonging to the Schisandraceae Family, originating in North Eastern Vietnam and South Western China
What are they and why they "peck" Spicy foods are foods and food products characterized by a "typical" taste impact, caused by the presence of various molecules that are picked up by the receptors of the tongue and oral cavity. The molecules responsible for the spicy taste are contained in various foods and, coming into contact with specific receptors, act exactly like a "key" able to open a "lock" dedicated to it
Generality and types of Curry The curry, or more precisely MASALA, is an apothecary compound of Indian origin; the term curry is a word westernized by the British people deriving from the noun CARI, which means soup. Curry is a spice obtained by beating with a mortar of different ingredients: the result can be spicy (mild) or very spicy (sweet; contrary to the English meaning of the word)
Nut The word "nut" is an abbreviation of "cooking nut" or "stock cube". It is a commercial food that could be contextualized in the condiment group; however, still today many people choose to package it at home. It is a concentrated product (dry broth) that contains one or more ingredients: vegetables, meat, fishery products, mushrooms, soy, fat, yeast extract, salt (up to and over 50%) and additives (for example the monosodium glutamate for 10-15%)
Generality Tarragon (also called estragon or dragon grass ) is an oriental aromatic plant belonging to the Asteraceae family, Genus Artemisia , Species dracunculus ; its binomial nomenclature is therefore Artemisia dracunculus . There are 2 varieties of tarragon: Russian (or Siberian) tarragon and French (or German) tarragon; the former, more robust and resistant, is however less aromatic than the latter, more delicate but intense
Generality Habanero is a variety of chilli ( Capsicum chinense Jacq.) . The term "habanero" is used above all to indicate the fruit of the plant, that is the edible portion. This plant-based food is particularly rich in vitamin C, vitamin A, water and fiber. It is classified as an "exceptionally spicy" pepper but, in the Scoville classification, it does NOT occupy the very first positions; some sources attribute to this chili 80, 000-577, 000 SHU, another 100, 000-350, 000 SHU
Generality Mace is a plant-based food belonging to the spice branch. It is used in small doses and its function is mainly aromatic. From the botanical point of view, the mace is the aril of the seed produced by the nutmeg plant. It is a tree belonging to the Myristicaceae family and the Myristica Genus, known by the binomial nomenclature Myristica fragrans
Generality According to the Linneana (L.) classification, marjoram is an aromatic herb belonging to the Labiate family, Genus Origanum , Majorana species . The binomial nomenclature of marjoram is Origanum majorana (while the common oregano is called Origanum vulgare ). Marjoram is native to North Africa and the Middle East; in these places, the plant is perennial, while in other locations, where the climate is less favorable, it can be considered annual
Generality The Naga Morich is one of the hottest varieties of chili in the world. The fruits obtained from this plant are classified as "exceptionally spicy" and, on the Scoville scale, reach a score of 1, 000, 000 SHU. To have a yardstick, consider that the Habanero pepper (best known in Italy) is rated as "extremely spicy" but, in the Scoville ranking, reaches levels of 80, 000-577, 000 SHU