Category food allergy

Food combinations and allergies
food allergy

Food combinations and allergies

By Dr. Giovanni Chetta Food combinations The digestion of the three nutritional principles that bring energy occurs at different and sequential stages: carbohydrates in the mouth, stomach and small intestine, proteins in the stomach and small intestine, lipids in the small intestine. All foods, except for very rare exceptions, are made up of a combination of nutritional principles: this does not mean that we can eat anything but that our organs have certainly adapted to natural combinations, much less to man's food manipulations

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food allergy

Shellfish allergy

What are Crustaceans They are crustaceans: prawns and shrimps, prawns, scampi, crabs, lobsters, cicadas, lobsters, squills, crabs, spider crabs, crabs, moeche of all kinds, etc. Crustaceans are invertebrate organisms of the underwater type, both of sea and of fresh or brackish water. These are invertebrate animals which, together with molluscs and fish, form the set of "fishery products"
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food allergy

Soy allergy

What is soy allergy? Soy allergy is one of the most common food allergies. This is an adverse, immune-mediated reaction that occurs after the dietary intake of Glycine max seeds or derivatives (Fabaceae family); as we shall see, the severity of symptoms is variable. Note: Highly refined soybean oil is exempt from mentioning the presence of allergens on the label
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food allergy

Peanut allergy

Generality In the United States, peanut allergy is: The most frequent food allergy The first cause of death from food allergy WARNING! The danger of food allergies (including that for peanuts) derives from the fact that they often begin the first time at a young age; especially during early childhood, the child does not have the communication skills necessary to manifest such a serious physical illness, therefore, the parents (or those for them) should: Have an overview of what are potentially allergenic foods, so as to exclude them from feeding the baby up to a more suitable age Carefully read
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food allergy

Egg allergy

What is a food allergy? An allergy is a hostile reflex of the organism to one or more foreign molecules (antigens or allergens), wrongly considered harmful by the immune system; in the case of food allergies, the immune-mediated reaction is triggered by some proteins contained in the foods themselves
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food allergy

Celiac disease

What is Celiac Disease? Celiac disease or celiac disease is a permanent intolerance to gluten, a complex of nitrogenous substances that is formed during mixing, with water, of the flour of some cereals, such as oats *, wheat, spelled, kamut, barley, rye, spelled and triticale. Strictly speaking, celiac disease is not a disease, but a simple condition that requires the simultaneous presence of a genetic predisposition and the consumption of foods containing gluten to manifest itself
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food allergy

Avocado allergy

Avocado is a food that can cause allergic reactions in people who are hypersensitive to certain components contained in it. There are two main forms of avocado allergy: that of flower pollen, which causes local signs in the mouth and throat shortly after eating avocado the related one linked to latex hypersensitivity (in English, known as "latex-fruit syndrome") and causes symptoms such as generalized urticaria, abdominal pain, vomiting and, at worst, anaphylactic shock
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food allergy

New Gluten Free Product: Rice and Bean Spaghetti

With the significant increase in diagnoses due to celiac disease (latent, silent or overt) and the suggestive-negative effect that certain innovative diets have had on healthy consumers, the industries fed "compete" in the production of gluten free foods. In particular, the research has developed towards the study and formulation of new substitutes for bread and pasta, giving birth to many gluten-free variants; some examples of gluten-free pasta are: corn, rice, rice and corn, buckwheat, etc
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food allergy

Kiwi and Allergy

The kiwi contains actinidain or actinidine, a potentially allergenic molecule. It is a cysteine ​​protease enzyme that also characterizes pineapple, mango, banana and papaya. In addition to these fruits, kiwi allergy shows cross reactivity towards latex. The kiwi also contains calcium oxalate crystals in the form of horseradish , which irritate the oral cavity but have nothing to do with the allergic reaction. Th
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food allergy

Lentil allergy

Lentils are edible seeds produced by the Lens culinaris plant (Fabaceae Family - Legumes -, Genus Lens and Specie culinaris ). The legume family is very large and includes some potentially allergenic vegetables such as peanuts and soy. However, in the literature there is no evidence of experimental or relevant quantity descriptions dealing with type I hypersensitivity to lentils
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food allergy

Integration with B12 Hypersensitivity or Allergy

Not everyone knows that there is a form of adverse reaction to vitamin B12. In this case, all the supplements / drugs that contain it, as well as other substances such as cobalt or other ingredients must be avoided. However, it is still necessary to specify that: direct (and independent) allergy to vitamins or nutrients is as rare as it is serious; after the first survey, it is therefore a good idea to look for other possible causes through a differential diagnosis
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