Category food allergy

Milk allergy
food allergy

Milk allergy

Milk Allergy or Lactose Intolerance? Cow 's milk allergy is the most common food sensitization in the first years of life. From the second childhood onwards, however, the most common allergens are fish, crustaceans, peanuts and walnuts. This allergic form has nothing to do with milk intolerance, common especially in adulthood and old age

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food allergy

Milk allergy

Milk Allergy or Lactose Intolerance? Cow 's milk allergy is the most common food sensitization in the first years of life. From the second childhood onwards, however, the most common allergens are fish, crustaceans, peanuts and walnuts. This allergic form has nothing to do with milk intolerance, common especially in adulthood and old age
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food allergy

Food allergy

Generality Adverse reactions to food Food allergies and intolerances fall into the category of adverse reactions to food, which in turn includes all the diseases and disorders caused by the ingestion of certain foods, additives or food contaminants. These adverse responses can be classified into two large groups, that of toxic reactions and that of non-toxic reactions
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food allergy

Food combinations and allergies

By Dr. Giovanni Chetta Food combinations The digestion of the three nutritional principles that bring energy occurs at different and sequential stages: carbohydrates in the mouth, stomach and small intestine, proteins in the stomach and small intestine, lipids in the small intestine. All foods, except for very rare exceptions, are made up of a combination of nutritional principles: this does not mean that we can eat anything but that our organs have certainly adapted to natural combinations, much less to man's food manipulations
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food allergy

Pseudo-allergic reactions

Food intolerance or allergy? Since a "simple" food intolerance can cause some typical symptoms of food allergies - such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal cramps - many people tend to confuse the two terms. In reality, food intolerances, unlike allergies, are always linked to a dose, which every individual should know to avoid overtaking it
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food allergy

Sensitivity to non-Celiac Gluten

Definition The non-celiac gluten sensitivity is a recently introduced disorder in the medical vocabulary, used to identify all those cases in which a patient manifests symptoms characteristic of celiac disease, and benefits from a gluten-free diet, although it is possible to exclude from medical examinations the presence of celiac disease or wheat allergy
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food allergy

Symptoms Food Allergy

Related articles: Food Allergy Definition Food allergies consist in the excessive reaction of the immune system against some molecules present in food. In practice, the body of an allergic person perceives an ingested substance as "enemy", thus producing special antibodies against it (IgE), thus triggering an allergic reaction
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