Category stomach health

Acidity and Burning Stomach
stomach health

Acidity and Burning Stomach

Watch the video X Watch the video on youtube Generality Heartburn, also called heartburn or gastric acidity, is a common symptom of different problems. This condition is so frequent that it is really difficult to find people who have never suffered from the classic symptoms associated with stomach acid

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stomach health


Stomach: anatomy and physiology Stomach functions Stomach ulcer Stomach and digestionAcidity and heartburn Stomach moodMomal stomach Gastric mucosaHeart acidity in pregnancyGastrinaGastric juicesAtrophied gastritisHealth of the stomachPilor - Cardias Anatomy The stomach is about 25 cm long and is anatomically divided into the following parts: the bottom , placed above and to the left of the junction between the esophagus and stomach (esophagus-gastric); the cardia , corresponding to the esophagus-gastric junction; the body , which represents the largest portion of the stomach, and which lies be
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stomach health

Bicarbonate to Digest

Introduction Bicarbonate is one of the main "grandmother's remedies" to digest, still used today by millions of people around the world. In fact, bicarbonate is considered by many patients as the antacid remedy par excellence, against digestive disorders, burning and stomach acid. What is that What is Bicarbonate to Digest
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stomach health

Stitches in the Stomach of I.Randi

Generality Stomach pangs are a symptom that can occur following causes of different origins and nature. In fact, these pangs can derive both from pathological causes and from causes that are not pathological in nature. Despite this, in the event that sudden pangs in the stomach occur and the phenomenon tends to repeat several times throughout the day, it is always good to ask the advice of your doctor who, after a careful visit, will be able to process a diagnosis advising the patient on any therapies to be followed or on any behavioral measures to be taken
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stomach health

Gastritis: Diagnosis and Care

What is gastritis? The term "gastritis" identifies a disorder characterized by a complex and heterogeneous set of symptoms triggered by inflammation of the gastric mucosa. Depending on the cause of origin, gastritis can take an acute or chronic course. Acute variants are often due to alcoholism, smoking, excessive NSAID intake, recurrent infections and unbalanced nutrition
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stomach health


Key points Gastritis is an acute or chronic inflammatory process of the gastric wall. Causes Acute gastritis is generally due to indigestion or poor nutrition, characterized by excesses, spicy foods and hyperlipidic and irritating foods for the gastric mucosa. Alcohol, smoking and NSAID abuse can also induce acute gastritis
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stomach health

Gastritis: Symptoms and Complications

Causes of gastritis Gastritis is an inflammation of the gastric mucosa, which can suddenly arise violently (acute gastritis) or manifest itself more mildly during a longer period of time (chronic gastritis). The causes of gastritis are particularly numerous and different, and it is precisely on the basis of the cause that triggers the disease that it manifests itself in a more or less aggressive way
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stomach health

Gastric lavage

What is gastric lavage? "Gastric lavage" and "gastrolus" are two terms extracted from medical language to indicate a forced process of emptying the stomach from its contents: we are talking about a therapeutic method to be performed purely in an emergency, very different from "physiological" vomiting or self-induced
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stomach health

Belly Pain - What to do

Types of abdominal pains While the common stomach ache constitutes a benign and completely reversible condition (sometimes even spontaneously), its pathological variant reflects more serious disorders, such as to even endanger the patient's life. Precisely because of this diversity, it is necessary to shed light on and be able to distinguish moderate to morbid abdominal pain, recognizing which are the spy symptoms that require immediate medical intervention
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stomach health

Nausea after Eaten by I.Randi

Generality Nausea after eating - also known as post-prandial nausea - is a symptom that occurs in many people. Nausea after eating can be the consequence of large binges, or it can appear in the presence of certain pathologies affecting the gastrointestinal tract, as well as being a symptom connected to other particular conditions (poisoning, food intolerances, etc
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stomach health

Gastritis: nutrition and natural remedies

Watch the video X Watch the video on youtube Premise Some natural remedies can facilitate the resolution of certain health problems: one of the most common is undoubtedly gastritis. In this article we will give a brief explanation of the disease, illustrating the natural remedies that can help speed up recovery by supporting any medications prescribed by your doctor
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