Category body building

Heavy Duty and muscle failure
body building

Heavy Duty and muscle failure

Edited by Ivan Mercolini Muscular failure and techniques to increase intensity Reaching muscle failure in a series means, for the weightlifter, to get to the point where for how much grit, anger you put to us you can no longer complete the repetition. You will say: the desks know it too. But then, I say, why is it never applied

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body building

The Bodyrecomposition project

Edited by Antonio Rubbino A common practice in power athletes is the alternation of two phases with different dietary approaches in order to achieve different goals. The defined phase: "Bulk" or better: "mass" and the phase "Cut" or better "definition". In the first phase the diet revolves around the mere objective of putting on as much muscle as possible, in the second phase we try to lose the pounds of fat accumulated during the first phase trying to "retain" the best accumulated muscle mass
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body building

Training: because short and intense

Edited by Massimiliano Ratta Although science and the knowledge of physiology give us indications of what the body's reactions to external stress are, we continue to argue that body building is not an exact science, that is, there is no right working protocol to to refer to, because what will work wonderfully for an individual, will not work at all for another
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body building

Posture and bodybuilding

Edited by Dr. Francesca Fanolla Gorilla or body builder? In my experience as a weight room instructor I have noticed and I continue to notice, alas !, to the great regret that weight training can be "harmful" to postural purposes if performed with little attention and excessive superficiality
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body building

Do you want big arms? Train them with the right exercises!

Edited by: Francesco Currò See also: Do ​​you want big arms? Train with an optimized card. As you can see from the title in this chapter we will talk mainly about biceps and triceps. As with the previous chapter, the motivation that prompted me to write these lines is the desire to make some clarity about the choice of exercises, which too often is seen almost as something random. As
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body building

The right and only way to grow

Progressive loads on basic exercises! By Dr. Marco Martone In the fitness and bodybuilding sector there are many diversified and often conflicting theories, which, due to the huge amount of data and the incompatibility between the various concepts, can lead to confusion for those who use this information
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body building

Heavy Duty and muscle failure

Edited by Ivan Mercolini Muscular failure and techniques to increase intensity Reaching muscle failure in a series means, for the weightlifter, to get to the point where for how much grit, anger you put to us you can no longer complete the repetition. You will say: the desks know it too. But then, I say, why is it never applied
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body building

Biceps: standing curl or bench Scott?

By Dr. Antonio Parolisi Joint physiological considerations in exercises for the elbow flexors For the completeness of the "arm training", in the Fitness field, we are witnessing the practice of two exercises for the elbow flexors: the curl standing with the barbell and the Scott bench curl
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body building

The DOMS search in the bodybuilder

Edited by Roberto Eusebio How many times are we looking for new exercises, new training routines or do we devise ways and techniques to congest our muscles in order to destroy them as much as possible? All this because for us it is important and fundamental to ensure that the next day, or after two days, we accuse those pains that otherwise would not gratify the effort made during our training
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body building

The prevailing exercise system

Edited by: Francesco Currò See also: the prevailing exercise system II With the advent of what I personally call "commercial bodybuilding", for some time now the fashion has come to present "innovative" methods, which - too often - focus more on "complications" and on denominations "Extravagant" than on real productivity.
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body building

The prevailing exercise system II

Edited by: Francesco Currò A few years ago, in a sector magazine, I published an article on the system (in its "original" version) of the prevailing exercise, which - in simple terms - consists of performing basic exercises with 10 sets of 10 repetitions in order to submit to a massive volume of repeated efforts a certain group of motor units in order to hypertrophy them.
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