massage techniques

Lymph Drainage Massage: What is it, Benefits and Contraindications of I.Randi


The lymphatic drainage massage is a special type of massage that acts on the lymphatic circulation .

In common language, the name of lymphatic drainage massage is often used in a generic way to indicate different types of massages that act on the lymphatic circulation, in order to facilitate it, consequently favoring the elimination of any liquid stagnation.

The different types of lymphatic massage can be performed both in the medical field (if there is a need to stimulate and promote a slowed lymphatic circulation and the disorders caused by it); both in a purely aesthetic context, for example, as an adjuvant treatment against cellulite blemishes.

What is that

What is lymph drainage massage?

Lymphatic drainage massage is a special type of massage whose purpose is to promote the drainage of lymphatic fluids, reducing stagnation through the stimulation of lymphatic circulation.

The handling techniques used to achieve the aforementioned purpose may vary depending on the method used and depending on the type of lymphatic drainage massage practiced.


Types of Lymph Drainage Massage

As mentioned, the name of "lymphatic drainage massage" is attributed to different types of massage whose purpose is to remove the stagnation of lymphatic fluids through the execution of particular manipulations. Among these, some will be briefly mentioned below.

Lymphatic drainage

Lymphatic drainage, also known as manual lymphatic drainage (DLM), is probably the most known and used lymphatic massage, especially in the medical-therapeutic field.

Naturally, since it is a form of lymphatic drainage massage, it aims to make the lymph streams flow out into the areas of the body where there is an excessive reduction of the lymphatic circulation.

Lymphatic drainage can be performed following different methods; however, those most known and practiced are, most likely, the Vodder method and the Leduc method. These methods differ in the manipulations performed, but are based on the same fundamental principles.

Given the difficulty of implementation and the possibility of applying it in the medical field, lymphatic drainage should be practiced only by experienced physiotherapists who know not only the massage techniques necessary to drain the lymphatic fluids, but also the lymphatic system itself and the points on which to act in order to obtain the maximum effectiveness from the treatment in complete safety for the individual.

To learn more: Lymphatic drainage »

Phenekam massage

The Phenekam massage is an Ayurvedic lymphatic drainage massage which, acting on the lymphatic vessels, aims to stimulate the circulation of the lymph, eliminating swelling, water retention and toxins accumulated in the body.

To learn more: Ayurvedic Massage »

Shiatsu Namikoshi massage

The Namikoshi massage is a particular style of Shiatsu massage which is used for the prevention and treatment of various types of disorders, including disorders related to lymphatic circulation. This form of massage is recognized by the Japanese Ministry of Health, as it is based on knowledge belonging both to the tradition of Shiatsu massage and to modern medicine.

To learn more: Shiatsu Massage »

Tui Na massage

The Tui Na massage represents a manipulation technique that is part of the Chinese oriental massage group. It is characterized by the execution of kneading and extension movements carried out with the aim of unblocking and regulating both blood and lymphatic circulation, exerting a lymphatic drainage action where stagnation is present.

To learn more: Oriental Massages »

Please note

Regardless of the type of lymphatic drainage massage that you decide to use, it is essential to contact only and exclusively professional masseurs who work in authorized facilities. In fact, to ensure efficacy and safety, it is extremely important that the masseur not only knows perfectly the techniques of manipulation, but that he has a profound knowledge of the lymphatic system and of the areas on which it is necessary to act to promote the drainage of fluids.

Other Types of Massage

Other types of massage, not properly defined as lymph draining, but whose execution could favor and stimulate both lymphatic and blood circulation, are:

  • The holistic massage;
  • Californian massage;
  • The Lomi Lomi massage.

Please note

With the exception of lymphatic drainage which is also practiced in the medical-therapeutic field, the lymph-draining action and the stimulating capacity of the circulation ascribed to the other forms of massage mentioned above have not been confirmed or in any case are not supported by adequate or sufficient scientific studies. Therefore, their effectiveness is not guaranteed. Furthermore, if performed by inexperienced masseurs, unprepared and unqualified and / or in the presence of contraindications, the safety of such massages could also be somewhat questionable.

Expected benefits

What benefits should the lymph-drainage massage bring?

An effective and correctly performed lymphatic drainage massage should favor the drainage of lymphatic fluids accumulated in specific areas of the body. In other words, the main benefit that a lymphatic drainage massage should bring is the elimination, or at least the reduction, of lymph stagnation and the alleviation of the symptoms or disorders that may follow. In particular, the lymphatic drainage massage is useful to counteract the swelling and edema that typically occur when the lymphatic circulation is not optimal.

Furthermore, in some cases, performing a lymphatic drainage massage could also bring benefits to the muscular and mental level, exerting an overall relaxing action.


Applications of lymphatic drainage massage

The lymphatic drainage massage can be used both in the therapeutic field and in the field of aesthetics.

In the medical field, lymph drainage is used in particular as an adjuvant treatment in the presence of poor or slowed lymphatic circulation.

An example of the therapeutic use of lymph drainage is the treatment of lymphedema ; in fact, the manipulations carried out on the patient during a session of this lymphatic drainage massage are useful to alleviate the symptoms typically caused by this condition.

Furthermore, lymphatic drainage can also be used in pregnant women to counteract the accumulation of fluids that often occurs during gestation (for more information, see also: Lymphatic drainage in Pregnancy).

In the field of aesthetic medicine, on the other hand, the use of lymphatic drainage massage can be recommended to prevent / counteract the stagnation of fluids in patients who have undergone cosmetic surgery, such as liposuction or liposculpture.

Finally, in the purely aesthetic field, the lymphatic drainage massage is used mainly as an adjuvant treatment against cellulite and as a relaxing treatment.


When the lymphatic drainage massage can NOT be performed

Lymphatic drainage massage has several contraindications. In detail, it should not be carried out in the presence of:

  • Alterations in blood pressure (hypotension or hypertension);
  • Cardiac disorders and pathologies;
  • Neoplastic diseases (tumors);
  • Infections in place;
  • Asthmatic disorders;
  • Diseases and skin disorders localized in the area where the massage is to be performed (for example, infections, inflammation, burns, etc.).

In any case, as a precautionary measure, before undergoing any type of lymphatic drainage massage, it is good to ask for the advice of your doctor, all the more so if you suffer from particular disorders or illnesses, even if not listed in the aforementioned list.