Food and tanning are closely related concepts.
Usually, when we talk about tanning, we immediately think about how to obtain it by protecting the skin from the harmful action of the sun's rays with specific cosmetics, without taking into account how much food plays a fundamental role in this area.
What to eat?
To obtain an intense and uniform tan it is good practice to take foods rich in water, mineral salts and vitamins.
Water is very important to keep the skin hydrated and replenish the large fluid losses caused by sweating.
Beta carotene is the most important nutrient as it stimulates the formation of melanin. This substance, in addition to giving us a darker color, protects the skin from the negative effects of solar radiation.
Among the many other virtues of beta carotene we also remember the strong antioxidant power and the ability to strengthen the immune system and protect the cardiovascular system.
Among the foods with the highest carotenoid content, the place of honor belongs to the carrot, which contains as much as 1200 micrograms of vitamin A for every hundred grams of product (more than twice the recommended daily allowance). In general, beta carotene abounds in yellow, orange and green vegetables such as peaches, apricots, watermelons, broccoli, rocket and melons.
Antioxidants are able to protect the skin from skin aging and the harmful effects of UV rays. This class of substances, including vitamins A, C, E, selenium and coenzyme Q-10, are present in most foods of plant origin.
Water, fruit and vegetables must therefore have a primary role, without forgetting to also take the other nutrients in the right proportions.
In summary, to obtain a perfect tan and, at the same time, to provide the skin with all the substances it needs, it is useful to increase the consumption of foods, such as:
- Orange and yellow fruits and vegetables, such as carrots, apricots, melons, peaches;
- Red fruits and vegetables, such as tomatoes (rich in lycopene), peppers, watermelons, strawberries and cherries;
- Fruit rich in vitamin C, such as kiwis and citrus fruits;
- Vegetables such as lettuce, broccoli, celery and rocket;
- Fish and foods rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, very useful because of their antioxidant activity (among these we remember the blue fish, salmon, walnuts, almonds, etc.).
Even the use of condiments such as raw extra virgin olive oil can help the skin defend itself from sun damage, as it is rich in polyphenols, substances with strong antioxidant properties.
Centrifuged to fix the tan
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Useful tips
Pro-tan food tips
- Try to drink at least 2 liters of water a day.
- Consume a lot of fruit and vegetables and, if necessary, replenish lost mineral salts with salt and water supplements;
- Vegetables should be consumed preferably raw or steamed;
- At the bar choose juices and fruit juices, limiting the consumption of alcohol and carbonated or excessively sweetened drinks;
- Among the preferred sauces extra virgin olive oil because it increases the absorption of beta-carotene;
- Meals should not be too rich and elaborate it is better to make small meals (at least 4) than one or two binges a day.
When you are not able to take the right amounts of mineral salts, vitamins and antioxidants with food, you can resort to the use of food supplements formulated just for this purpose.
The trade offers a great variety of useful products, from hydrosaline supplements, up to supplements rich in antioxidants and vitamins useful to help the skin defend itself from UV rays. For the latter type of supplements, it is generally recommended to start taking them at least a couple of months before sun exposure, and then continue throughout the summer until the end of the exposure.
Hydro-saline supplements, on the other hand, can be taken directly when needed.
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