
Anti-cancer foods

See also: nutrition and cancer, is there an effective diet against cancer?

By Dr. Nicola Sacchi - Author of the book: Drugs and doping in sport -

How some foods protect us from tumors

Several studies have shown that the incidence of some classes of tumors decreases in populations that regularly eat particular foods. In light of these researches, further studies have tried to understand what were the molecular mechanisms underlying these results; different classes of compounds of natural origin have been found, able to counteract the development of tumors. These natural substances are able to intervene at different levels in tumor growth processes:

  1. some compounds act by preventing the activation of carcinogens;
  2. others oppose the growth of the tumors themselves;
  3. additional molecules hinder the formation of blood vessels that lead to cancer;
  4. still others act by stimulating apoptosis (cell death) of cancer cells;
  5. moreover, the antioxidant activity of different substances also helps to counteract the onset of tumors;
  6. finally there are numerous molecules able to stimulate the immune system, which acts by controlling the growth of tumors.

All these substances of natural origin have been found in different classes of vegetables and are therefore present in the fruits and vegetables that are usually eaten, or that are easily available in every supermarket.

Therefore, a diet that contains a constant intake of these foods is currently a tool at our disposal in cancer prevention.

As previously mentioned, these substances are numerous and are not present in a single food, but are found in different compounds of vegetable origin that we can easily combine. Today, these foods can be called "nutraceuticals", that is to say foods containing active ingredients capable of having health-related activities, in this case in an anti-tumor sense.

Anti-cancer foods

After the introduction, we can list what these anti-cancer foods are.

Without taking lessons in biochemistry or pharmacology, which do not fit into this context, we will only identify the active compounds and understand how they can be used to the fullest.

The cruciferous women

Vegetables such as cabbage, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, watercress, turnip, cauliflower, etc. belong to this family. The anticancer properties of these vegetables come from a substance called glucosinolates . These substances are already being studied as chemotherapeutic adjuvants. Broccoli and Brussels sprouts are the best sources of these substances.

Anti-tumoral of these vegetables it is necessary a rapid cooking, possibly with steam, and a good chewing, while the excessive simulation should be avoided before consumption.

The garlic

Garlic contains a substance called allin, which after breaking the cloves comes into contact with an enzyme that converts it to allicin, which in turn gives rise to numerous substances capable of preventing the growth of cancer cells and promoting their growth. apoptosis. These molecules are released following the crushing of the bulbs; consequently, the best source is surely the fresh sliced ​​raw garlic.


In all its forms (bean, miso, sauce, tofu, milk, etc.), soy contains substances called isoflavones, in particular genistein, which appear to interfere with the development of hormone-based tumors (breast, prostate). It has been shown that they have oncopreventive activity, because thanks to their resemblance to sex hormones, they bind to their receptors without having significant hormonal activity.

The best way to take these substances is to eat whole foods rather than using isoflavone supplements that are so popular today.


Turmeric is a spice of the ginger family, grown mainly in India.

This plant contains a substance called curcumin that appears to act on various factors of tumor growth. This substance has shown anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antiangiogenic properties, but the antitumor activity has yet to be studied in depth.

We have also seen that to increase the availability of curcumin, it must be taken together with black pepper. This spice cocktail is great for flavoring soups, pasta dishes and meats, but also to prevent the onset of tumors.

Anti-cancer foods »