Category fish

Mackerel - A Precious food

Mackerel - A Precious food

Nutritional importance Importance of fish in the Mediterranean diet Fish, especially the "blue" one, is one of the typical products of the Mediterranean diet. Very valuable from a nutritional point of view, it should be consumed frequently and regularly (2-3 times a week). However, at the time of purchase, consumers are sometimes disoriented due to poor skills in the choice and culinary preparation of fish; in short, "they do not know which way to turn

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Sea cicada: Nutritional Properties, Role in Diet and How to Cook by R.Borgacci

What's this What is the sea cicada? The sea cicada, also known as magnosella or batti batti - in English locust lobster, lesser slipper lobster, small European lobster - is one of the finest salt water decapods in the world. Of the family Scyllaridae and Genus Scyllarus , the sea cicada "properly so called" belongs to the species arctus ; nevertheless it is often confused with another allied creature - although of a clearly superior size - belonging to the same biological genus but to the latus species (vulgarly called large sea cicada or magnosa)
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Monkfish - Monkfish: Nutritional Properties, Use in Diet and How to Cook by R.Borgacci

What's this What is the monkfish or monkfish? The anglerfish - L. piscatorius , in English "angler fish" and in French "baudroie commune" - otherwise called monkfish, is a very valuable bony sea fish and widely used for food. Especially thanks to the reduced content of thorns and its white and delicate meats, this fish finds great consensus in most consumers and especially among the little ones
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Colatura di Alici by R.Borgacci

What's this What is anchovy sauce? Anchovy is a food seasoning. That of Cetara - province of Salerno, in the Amalfi coast, Campania region - enjoys the recognition of Traditional Agri-food Product (PAT). Anchovy pouring is liquid, slightly viscous or oily. The color is amber, almost reddish - similar to chilli pepper or maple syrup oil
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How to Conserve Fish and Stop Degradation

Fish degradation From the time of capture to its food use, fresh fish must necessarily be refrigerated; the conservation of the catch in ice at 0 ° C (constant temperature) does not alter its composition for about 4 to 7 days. After 7 - 10 days (first if the temperature is above 0 ° C or undergoes important fluctuations as it happens when it is exposed in the market stalls) the first important alterations begin; initially, we are witnessing the transformation of triethylamine oxide into trimethylamine and then into dimethylamine , by the bacterial and OWN enzymes of the meat.
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What is whitefish? The whitefish is a freshwater fish belonging to the Salmonidae family (salmonids), to the genus Coregonus and to the lavaretus species (the binomial nomenclature of the whitefish is Coregonus lavaretus ). Commonly called gold or golden trout , whitefish is quite similar to lake trout , although it has a more silvery coat and a decidedly smaller mouth
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What are Mussels ( or mussels ) are bivalve molluscs belonging to the Order of Mytiloidae and to the family Mytilidae ; the term "mussels" refers exclusively to the genus Mytilus , which however includes two quite similar species: the galloprovincialis (native of the Mediterranean sea and very present in Italy) and the edulis (typical of the Atlantic ocean)
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Classification and description Shellfish are invertebrate aquatic creatures belonging to the Arthropod group; they are equipped with articulated appendages dedicated to movement, while the body is provided with a resistant casing composed of a matrix based on calcareous salts and is called carapace. The carapace, in the larger crustaceans, constitutes a real shell that protects the head (capotorace) and partly the chest (cephalothorax)
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Crustaceans: Nutritional Values

Crustaceans Crustaceans are invertebrate aquatic animals, that is, that do NOT possess the internal skeleton, but protect themselves through a TYPICAL armor called exoskeleton or carapace which circumscribes them in the group of Arthropods . Shellfish live PREVALENTLY immersed in water and colonize all types of seabed at all depths; not only that, Brachiuri crustaceans also make use of an ANFIBIA capacity that allows them to survive dry for a certain period
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Sea Dates

What are Sea dates are bivalve (or lamellibranch) edible molluscs. Their delicacy has made them a highly sought after and appreciated fishing product, but also protected in many areas of the planet. In Italy and other countries, sea date is in fact considered a protected species. Sea dates belong to the family Mytilidae (like mussels), Genus Lithophaga , Species lithophaga ; the binomial nomenclature of sea dates is Lithophaga lithophaga
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Dentex: Nutritional Properties, Use in Diet and How to Cook by R.Borgacci

What's this What is the red snapper? Dentice ( Dentex dentex ) is the name of a sea bony fish commonly used for food purposes. It is not a blue fish - although it should contain equally good concentrations of omega 3 semi essential fatty acids - let alone a poor fish; it should be classified in the white fish category but, by virtue of the gastronomic value and of the considerable dimensions it can reach, it is usually considered a product in its own right
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