Category fish



Generality The prawns are macruri crustaceans , therefore provided with a long, stretched abdomen and with a fan-shaped codal fin; in reality, the term "shrimp" is extremely generic because it covers a wide range of species belonging to different genus , family , superfamily and suborder . It can therefore be deduced that "crayfish" means many animals (sometimes with different sizes and colors) that are mainly linked to: Eukaryota Domain, Animalia Kingdom, Phylum Eumetazoa , Malacostraca Class and Decapoda Order Small dimensions

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Fish meal

Uses and environmental sustainability Many do not know that fishmeal is a multi-purpose product, used for fertilizing agricultural land, for the nutrition of various farmed animal species (fish and land animals) and, probably, also for human nutrition. There are many types of fish meal; they stand out above all for the raw material of origin and for the production technology
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Generality The fasolari are fishery products. These are bivalve molluscs (or lamellibranches) belonging to the Veneridae family, Genus Callista , Specie chione ; the binomial nomenclature of the fasolari is Callista chione . The fasolari are foods of medium-high gastronomic value and possess an excellent nutritional content
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Plaice fillets: nutritional properties, role in the diet and how to cook it by R.Borgacci

What are What are plaice fillets? Plaice fillets are foods of animal origin derived from the processing of Pleuronectes platessa , a bony, flat and sea fish that colonizes the North-East Atlantic Ocean. Seen in the first fundamental group of foods - foods rich in proteins with high biological value, specific vitamins and minerals - plaice fillets also contain vitamin D, iodine and omega-3 semi essential - but biologically active - fatty acids such as eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) ) and docosahexaenoic (DHA)
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Cod Fillet: Nutritional Properties, Role in the Diet and How to Cook it by R.Borgacci

What's this What is cod fillet? The cod fillet is a product of animal origin derived from the processing of fish belonging to the Gadidae biological family. It is part of the 1st fundamental food group - foods rich in high biological value proteins, vitamins (many in group B and vit D) and specific minerals (phosphorus, iron, zinc and iodine), as well as omega 3 biologically essential seeds active eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) - but in reality it is a derivative, whose production determines not a few "waste" of processing
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What are Seafood With the term seafood we mean a group of foods of animal origin, often of salt water (but it is not said!), Which groups the organisms belonging to the vein of molluscs and to that of crustaceans. Seafood - molluscs : cephalopods (provided with an internal shell or without a shell, such as octopus, cuttlefish, squid, octopus, squid, octopus, etc
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Fish stock

What is the fish cartoon The fish stock is a light cooking background, obtained by reducing the liquid used to make fish and / or crustaceans and / or molluscs. The fish stock, as well as all the other cooking grounds, was created to use the processing offcuts of certain ingredients, and to minimize waste
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Sea Gurnard

What is the Gallinella Disambiguation Gallinella is a term used to refer to different foods. The fish of the Triglidae family, genus Chelidonichthys , a species of lucerna , is called the gallinella . Water birds are wild birds belonging to the Rallidae family, Genus Gallinula , species chloropus . In Tuscany the guinea fowl is also called gallinella (Family Numididae, Genus Numida , specie meleagris )
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What are shrimp? Shrimps are foods of animal origin belonging to the fundamental group of foods. From the nutritional point of view, they are classified as "fishery products" and as such they represent above all a source of: high biological value proteins, specific vitamins and minerals; they contain a good percentage of essential fats, but also significant doses of cholesterol
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Generality The prawns are macruri crustaceans , therefore provided with a long, stretched abdomen and with a fan-shaped codal fin; in reality, the term "shrimp" is extremely generic because it covers a wide range of species belonging to different genus , family , superfamily and suborder . It can therefore be deduced that "crayfish" means many animals (sometimes with different sizes and colors) that are mainly linked to: Eukaryota Domain, Animalia Kingdom, Phylum Eumetazoa , Malacostraca Class and Decapoda Order Small dimensions
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Generality Crabs are animal organisms of the aquatic type; they belong to the Subphilum of the Crustaceans , the Order of the Decapods , the Suborder of the Pleocyemata and the Infraorder of the Brachyura . Crabs are amphibious animals because, by sealing the gills, as well as in the water they also survive in the open air (specific feature of the Brachiuri , not shared by Macruri and Stomatopodi )
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