
Capocollo, Coppa, Coppone: Nutritional Properties, Use in Diet and How to Cook by R.Borgacci

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Capocollo, coppa or coppone: what is it?

Capocollo, coppa, coppone and scamerita are the names commonly used to indicate a specific cut of pork or beef.

The capocollo, rich in high biological value proteins, specific vitamins and minerals, belongs to the first fundamental food group. On the other hand, it also brings a significant amount of fat - part of which is saturated - and cholesterol. In the diet it should take on a secondary role, since it is fatty meat. It is always advisable to prepare it naturally, without adding oil.

The coppone is a cut of meat consisting of two muscles, located in the external loggia - above the vertebral column - that are interposed between the animal's head and the thoracic area. Each beast has two, one on the right and one on the left, separated during the slaughter in the two halves; it's a front quarter cut. On the palate it is very tasty, for some even too intense.

The cup is suitable to be eaten fresh and cooked, or seasoned for the production of cold cuts. It is one of the most widespread and used pork cuts to be eaten on the grill, on the grill or in a pan. It also lends itself to baking in the oven because, being fat and composed of a connective tissue that gelatinizes quite easily, it has the characteristic of remaining very soft. The cured meats, always of the bagged type, can be of whole meat or ground, to be eaten raw or cooked. Typical examples are seasoned capocollo, sausages, salami, cotechino, salama da sugo etc.

In the following article we will concentrate mainly on the description of the fresh capocollo.

Nutritional Properties

Capocollo, coppa or coppone: nutritional properties

Nested in the first fundamental group, the cup is a food rich in high biological value proteins, specific vitamins and minerals. It has a high energy intake, a characteristic that can change depending on the species, the breed, the state of nutrition and the level of trimming of the superficial fat, but not so much as to totally distort this property. The pork and beef capocollo are quite similar and, contrary to what many think, the bovine is not necessarily thinner than the pork.

The coppone calories are supplied mainly by lipids, followed by proteins, while carbohydrates - exclusively soluble - are marginal. Fatty acids are almost equally distributed between saturated and unsaturated, with a slight prevalence of the latter. The single most abundant fraction is that of the saturated, followed by monounsaturated and finally by polyunsaturated; among the latter, omega 6 is abundant. Peptides have a high biological value, that is they contain all the essential amino acids in the right quantities and proportions with respect to the human model.

Cholesterol is present in significant but acceptable quantities - lower than egg yolk, crustaceans, certain molluscs, offal, fat and seasoned cheeses, etc. The capocollo does not contain dietary fiber, gluten and lactose; histamine is absent or irrelevant. Instead it has significant amounts of purines and phenylalanine amino acid.

From the vitamin point of view, the cup is a food that does not differ from the average of the meats. It contains mainly water-soluble B vitamins, in particular thiamine (vit B1), riboflavin (vit B2), niacin (vit PP), pyridoxine (vit B6) and cobalamin (vit B12). The fat-soluble vitamins (vit A, vit D, vit E, vit K) seem almost absent or almost irrelevant. Also with regard to mineral salts, the capocollo does not stray too far from its reference food group. The content of phosphorus, iron and zinc is good; it also contains potassium, but it is not to be considered a primary nutritional source of this mineral.


Cup, cup or cup: use in the diet

The coppone is a food that can be included in the diet of healthy people; it is to be avoided in the diet against overweight, especially serious. Despite having a ratio between fatty acids and an overall acceptable cholesterol level, it is to be consumed in moderation - occasionally and in small portions - in nutritional therapy for hypercholesterolemia. However, it should be remembered that in food therapy against dyslipidemia - but also in that for the treatment of primary arterial hypertension - it would be more appropriate to prefer fishery products, especially pinnutes properly called - rich in omega 3 (EPA and DHA). If not in the presence of overweight, it is considered neutral for the diet against hyperglycemia, hypertriglyceridemia and type 2 diabetes mellitus. Nevertheless, in principle, we could define that it is a food not suitable for any nutritional treatment of clinical relevance; in this case lean meats like chicken breast, turkey breast, horse muscle, lean fish, low-fat cheeses and a few eggs or just egg whites etc. should be preferred.

Capocollo, rich in high biological value proteins, can help meet the need for essential amino acids, especially in the event of increased demand - for example:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding
  • accretion
  • extremely intense and / or prolonged sports practice
  • third age - due to eating disorders and tendency to geriatric malabsorption
  • pathological malabsorption
  • specific or generalized malnutrition and debasement etc.

The cup is one of the products to be avoided - especially that obtained from wild game - or in any case to be consumed with extreme moderation, in the case of severe hyperuricemia - a tendency to gout - and calculosis or renal lithiasis with uric acid crystals. It should be completely excluded from the phenylketonuria diet. It does not show contraindications for lactose intolerance and for celiac disease; it should also be harmless for histamine intolerance.

The coppone is an appreciable source of iron, phosphorus, zinc and potassium. Iron is bio-available and participates in covering its metabolic needs, which are higher in fertile, pregnant women, marathon runners and vegetarians - especially in vegans, who for philosophical reasons choose not to eat it. Keep in mind that iron deficiency can lead to iron deficiency anemia. Phosphorus is a particularly abundant mineral constituent in the body, particularly in the bones in the form of hydroxyapatite, in the phospholipids of cell membranes and in nervous tissue, etc. Zinc, on the other hand, is essential for hormone production and antioxidant enzymes. As anticipated, this food is not to be considered an essential source of potassium, but nevertheless participates in satisfying the organism's request - greater in case of increased sweating, for example in sports, increased diuresis and diarrhea; the lack of this alkalizing ion - necessary for the membrane potential and very useful in the fight against primary arterial hypertension - induces, especially related to lack of magnesium and dehydration, the onset of muscle cramps and general weakness.

The capocollo is very rich in B vitamins, all coenzymatic factors of great importance in cellular processes. It can therefore be considered an excellent support for the functioning of the various body tissues.

As anticipated, the cup is not allowed in the vegetarian and vegan diet. It is inadequate for Hindu and Buddhist food; if beef, it should be considered a kosher and halal food - as long as it meets the specific slaughtering criteria. After total cooking, it is quietly allowed in the diet during pregnancy.

The average portion of cup is about 100 g; up to 150 g, but without added oil, if the subjective energy request grants it.


Cup, cup or cup: How to cook?

The coppone lends itself mainly to cooking by conduction, from metal to meat, irradiation, from embers to food, and convection, boiling air from the oven or gas grill. It is not advisable to cook it boiled, for drowning in water or steam, in vasocottura or vacuum; it has a decidedly too intense smell and taste. It does not even lend itself to cruelty.

Stir-fried - better without oil, natural - the fresh cup is a valid alternative to the classic steaks of loin, loin or rib, fillet, rump or thigh. We do not recommend supplementary processing such as flouring and breading - especially with egg and / or milk - as the food must tend to release as much fat as possible instead of retaining it. It is therefore deducible that it does not lend itself to frying.

Grilled - whether wood or charcoal or gas - the capocollo is one of the founders of the classic pork grill. To be honest, after the chop, it is considered one of the "leanest" elements; the others are: pancetta, salsiccia or tastasale and ribs or ribs.

Left whole, possibly enriched with dry rub or salmoriglio, baked in the oven or the American barbecue - direct-indirect mixed cooking - the coppone one is one of the most common roasts. In addition to being the right compromise between quality and price, this cut is characterized by a type and quantity of collagen perfect for long cooking at a controlled temperature. If well worked, it acquires a soft and gelatinous consistency, very similar to pulled-pork.

Coppa and capocollo are also synonyms of a particular sausage. This is made from a coppone, salted, seasoned and stuffed into natural or synthetic casing, seasoned for several months - in a similar way to rolled pancetta, culatello and lonzino.

The coppa is an ingredient widely used to package ground sausages, to be eaten raw or cooked, such as sausage, salami, salama da sugo, pot salami, cotechino etc.


Capocollo, cup or cup: description

The capocollo looks like an elongated muscle, with an oval section, deep red and, when cut, noticeably veined with white streaks of fat.

The coppone, or rather the copponi, consist of the two muscles - one on the right and one on the left of the spine, divided by the spinous processes of the vertebrae - which interpose between the nape and the thoracic portion of the beast. It is made from the front quarters of the two half-carcases.