Category meat

Carré of Veal by R.Borgacci

Carré of Veal by R.Borgacci

What's this What is veal loin? The veal loin is a food of animal origin based on muscle meat and bones. From a nutritional point of view, the veal loin is placed in the first fundamental food group - foods rich in high biological value proteins, specific vitamins and minerals; it also provides cholesterol and saturated fat in medium concentration

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Carré of Veal by R.Borgacci

What's this What is veal loin? The veal loin is a food of animal origin based on muscle meat and bones. From a nutritional point of view, the veal loin is placed in the first fundamental food group - foods rich in high biological value proteins, specific vitamins and minerals; it also provides cholesterol and saturated fat in medium concentration
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Cinta Senese

What is the Cinta Senese? Cinta Senese is the name of a breed of domestic pig ( Sus scrofa domesticus ), typical of the province of Siena (a Tuscan city located in central Italy). Like the Nero dei Nebrodi, due to its dark color and tendency to live better in a semi-wild or wild state, Cinta Senese is also often associated with Pata Negra, a prized breed of pig, typical of the Iberian peninsula
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Generality The rabbit (European) is a mammalian animal of the order Lagomorfi or Duplicindentati * , family Leporidae, Genus Oryctolagus and Species cuniculus ; the American one, however, although similar, belongs to the genus Sylvilagus . * Duplicates or lagomorphs (of which the rabbit is a part) are characterized by a rather peculiar set of teeth; in the upper arch, near the incisors, a further pair of small retro-incisors emerge (useful for cutting grass and bark), while the canines are ALWAYS absent
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Sirloin: Nutritional Properties, Use in Diet and How to Cook by R.Borgacci

What's this The sirloin is one of the most well-known cuts of meat in Italy. The sirloin belongs to the first fundamental food group, as a source of high biological value proteins, vitamins - especially of the B group - and specific minerals - mainly bioavailable iron, phosphorus and zinc. Note : it is also a natural source of cholesterol, saturated fatty acids - although they are present in equal or even lower amounts than the unsaturated ones - of purine and amino acid phenylalanine - the latter two, nutritional elements contraindicated for hypersensitive subjects
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Generality Nowadays, cutlet is a generic term that indicates a food (animal or vegetable), breaded and cooked in a fat or grilled, grilled or baked. The cutlet was born as a French dish, where the term cotêlette simply means a cutlet of sheep, pork or beef. Only recently has it been given the meaning of breaded and fried meatball or croquette.
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Cotiche of R.Borgacci

What are What are pork rinds? The pork rinds, sometimes called rind, or rind - the most suitable term to mention the natural covering of the ham - are foods of animal origin that can be placed in the subset of the fifth quarter. Specifically, it is the pig's skin - Sus scrofa domesticus - properly shaved - deprived of the bristles - cleaned and reduced to pieces
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Costata by R.Borgacci

What's this What is the rib? Chest or loin - also known internationally with the French noun "entrecôte" - is the name used to indicate what, after the tenderloin, is generally considered the most prized cut of beef. Known to most as "sirloin", from an exclusively semantic point of view, the rib corresponds to a specific muscle group: the loin.
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Generality Ribs (also called points, ribs or ribs) are foods of animal origin. They contain: muscle (intercostal), adipose tissue, bone, cartilage and connective tissues. From an economic point of view, the ribs are considered a poorly prized cut and, in the tradition of sausages, very often they represent an ingredient of cured meats
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Guinea fowl - Guinea fowl meat

Generality Guinea fowl or guinea fowl is an avian race belonging to the Galliformes Order, family Numididae, Genus Numida ; there are three species: the meleagris (common guinea fowl), the mitrata (faraona mitrata) and the cristata (guinea fowl with tuft). Of all, the most raised is undoubtedly the common guinea fowl, zoologically framed with the binomial nomenclature of Numida meleagris
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Fillet of Beef by R.Borgacci

What's this What is beef tenderloin The beef tenderloin - in English "beef tenderloin" - is probably the finest cut of meat obtained from the adult male specimen of domestic ox ( Bos taurus ); it can also be obtained from young males - veal and veal tenderloin - and from females - from vaccine
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