
Conversion of grams in various weight units

Converting a certain value from one unit of measurement to another means multiplying it by the appropriate conversion factor. The quantity obviously remains the same, what changes is simply the way of expressing it. If an item costs 10 euros, we can for example buy it with 10 coins of 1 euro or with 1000 coins of a cent. In the same way, to compensate for the weight of a 10kg brick, we can put 10 bricks of 1 kg or 1000 bricks of one hundredth of a kg on the other side of the scale. Establish that our reference brick weighs like 1000 smaller bricks means having determined the conversion factor between the two units of measurement (1: 1000). Six large bricks will therefore have the same weight of 6000 (6x1000) bricks. On the other side, each brick weighs 1/1000 (0.001) of the reference brick, so 276 bricks have a total weight of 0.275 (0.001 * 275) times the reference one. In other words, simpler to understand than to explain; however, if math is not your forte or you don't feel like reasoning, you can pick through the various conversions with our automatic calculator. Those who prefer to perform them independently, perhaps with a pen and paper, can find the various conversion factors a little lower. Have fun!