
Fitness and pH Diet! A winning couple for the woman!

Edited by Alessandro De Vettor

What is the pH Diet?

The pH diet is a particular diet that allows, through the consumption of mainly alkaline foods, the achievement of an acid-base balance. It is now established that an organism that reflects this homeostasis is decidedly healthier than an unbalanced one.

In the following article I will not discuss the application principles of this diet, as it is already widely covered by the media; rather I will propose some general considerations about its functional advantages.

What is the Diet the pH?

First of all, what is pH?

This acronym indicates the degree of acidity of a solution, or rather the level of activity of the hydrogen ions that are dissolved in it. The letter "H" stands for Hydrogen while the "p" highlights the potential. Pure water at 25 ° C is neutral and has a pH close to 7, solutions with a lower index are considered acid, those with a higher index are basic or alkaline.

In the human being there is acidosis when the blood pH is lower than 7.35 and in alkaloses exceeded 7.45. In healthy subjects, the blood pH is around 7.41 and is therefore slightly alkaline in nature.

Negative consequences of an acid pH

It is interesting to note that, although it remains alkaline, the pH of modern man is still more acidic than that of the past, due to a whole series of factors, first of all the changes in eating habits and lifestyle.

If you are familiar with my training programs, especially those aimed at the gynoid suit, you will now know the importance attributed to a type of work that improves both the macro and the microcirculation. As repeatedly stated, good circulatory efficiency counteracts stagnation problems and helps weight loss processes.

Unfortunately, in the presence of excessive body acidity the collagen fibers are damaged, the circulatory efficiency decreases and consequently the predisposition towards conditions of water retention and inflammatory processes increases. The endocrine system is also affected by the acid environment: insulin sensitivity is reduced and cortisol production is promoted.

To conclude, an acid pH does not help the weight loss processes, but tends to the preservation of fat mass, to the reduction of the lean, to slow down the metabolism and to increase the appetite.

Training and Hyperproteic Diet as a cause of acid pH

These processes could be accentuated with training. First of all, in both men and women, intense physical activity produces lactic acid, which leads to a further lowering of blood pH. It is precisely for this reason that, if we are already in the presence of PEFS (cellulite), stagnation of liquids and / or suffering from microcirculation, we prefer training methods that are not too lactic.

Secondly, even the high-protein diet - usually associated with the practice of fitness - tends to decrease the pH through the increased intake of amino acids (proteins are made up of amino acids). Finally, let's not forget that women often follow low-calorie diets. In this circumstance the fat tissue tends to release free fat "acids", which are also responsible for lowering the blood pH.

In light of the above, we understand the importance of keeping the body in an "alkaline state", especially if we are talking about a woman who practices physical activity.

What to eat?

The path to follow to restore an acid-base balance is not difficult.

The guidelines of the "pH diet" involve the intake of about 80% of alkaline food of non-animal origin, mainly fruit and vegetables (apples, lemons, salad, millet, potatoes, almonds, sesame seeds, blueberries, broccoli, chard, carrots, celery, cabbage, green beans, onions, oranges, molasses and, in general, all fresh fruit and vegetables), and 20% of acidifying foods, mainly of animal origin (meat, fish, shellfish, milk and derivatives), but also wheat and cereals.

In practice, for each acidifying food (the last ones on the list), four of the alkalizing type are chosen (ratio 1: 4).

In some cases the rigid application of this rule - especially when it comes to women who practice weight training, who wish to achieve a good muscle tone and a low percentage of fat - could hesitate in a lower protein intake than the requirement real.

In these cases, protein intake can be increased, but balanced with additional fruits and vegetables. There are also special alkalizing supplements that have proved useful in restoring the acid-base balance.

You will have noticed that some types of carbohydrates (bread, pasta and cereals) are part of acidic foods. The advice is to limit them, but not eliminate them, as they are essential for maintaining volume and muscle tone. Integral types are preferable due to their low carbohydrate density; moreover, it is better to take them in the first part of the day when the metabolism is more active.

Finally, I recommend drinking plenty of water, this too "alkalizing": look at the labels of the waters you buy, at pH it must be above 7.

It is very important, always and in any case, to consult your doctor or a professional (nutritionist, dietologist ...) before undertaking any type of diet and / or food supplementation. Avoid "do it yourself" as it can be harmful to your health. Information that is often read in magazines and on the web can be misleading, as none of them takes into account your actual state of health and your real nutritional needs.