
Gaseous Colic of the Newborn

What are

The colic of the newborn - suckling constitute a behavioral syndrome characterized by paroxysmal crises of desperate crying, which are triggered by attacks of acute abdominal pain, during which the child contracts by pulling his legs towards the abdomen (flexing of the thighs on the pelvis).

Besides these symptoms, a certain degree of abdominal distension can also be appreciated, accompanied by repeated anal gas emissions that justify the name " gaseous colic of the newborn ".

The most common definition uses crying as an identification criterion for the disorder; to talk about colic of the newborn, in fact, paroxysmal crying crises must last more than three hours and manifest themselves in more than three days out of seven for at least three weeks (Wessel's rule of three).

The diagnosis of neonatal colic also foresees the a priori exclusion of any other cause correlated to paroxysmal, protracted or recurrent painful manifestations, especially the most serious conditions (intestinal obstruction, peritonitis, hernia, pyelonephritis, intussusception, nutritional, neurological problems, hygienic etc.).


Researchers have not yet succeeded in identifying the exact causes of these neonatal pain disorders; the colic of the newborn therefore remains a para-physiological phenomenon (some pediatricians consider them a "non-disease"), with an uncertain and multifactorial aetiology.


The most accredited hypothesis calls into question aerofagia - linked to the excessive ingestion of air during crying and feeding - and flatulence, linked to the intestinal fermentation of breast milk.

Psychosomatic flu

However, there is no lack of various references to a possible psychosomatic etiology, which would affect the child's living conditions. The authors say that crying is the only means by which the newborn can express his needs to the mother and those around him, which do not necessarily reflect feeding problems, colic problems or stomach problems. Of course, through crying the newborn - baby tries to communicate its physical needs, but also emotions, tensions, sensations and annoyances ... both physical and mental needs, in short; in other words, hunger for food and attention.

Even a high level of stress, family problems and anxiety on the part of parents, seem to favor the onset of these colics.


According to other authors, the gaseous colic of the suckling child (defined as such a child aged between 28 and 356 days) would be related to the diet. In reality, these disorders occur with a similar incidence in both breast-fed and infant-fed infants. Legumes, for example, can develop gaseous reactions in the mother's intestine, but certainly not in that of the breast-fed newborn, given that the phenomenon is linked to the proportion of non-absorbed intestinal nutrients, which as such cannot enter the circle maternal blood. Instead, it is possible to hypothesize an allergic reaction to cow's milk proteins if the child has gaseous colic accompanied by diarrhea, vomiting, eczema and prolonged and frequent agitation.

Other Risk Factors

Other predisposing factors seem to be related to the failure of the small child after feeding, and exposure to cigarette smoke both during intrauterine life and after childbirth.


In relation to the statistical data consulted, neonatal colics reach between 10% and 30% of newborns (from the 2nd - 3rd week of life onwards) and infants, disappearing spontaneously and without an apparent explanation around the third - fourth month of life.

Quite typically, newborn colics appear in the evening and can last from one to three hours, only to disappear and reappear the following day, even at different times.


See also: Remedies for colic of the newborn

Like all very common but difficult to resolve disorders, gaseous colics of the newborn have a remarkable body of studies, information, advice and - today more than ever - of pharmacological, phytotherapeutic and homeopathic products.


The official medicine has tested the efficacy of diciclomina hydrochloride, a little-used anticholinergic active ingredient, due to the potential side effects (including apnea, breathing difficulties, convulsions and fainting).


Phytotherapy, for its part, proposes the use of carminative and spasmolytic herbal drugs, such as fennel, green anise, chamomile and lemon balm. In this case, more than ever it is essential that the drugs are of high quality, to prevent any contaminants (heavy metals, pesticides, etc.) from causing damage to the young and fragile organism. Further studies that investigate the efficacy and safety of these natural remedies, normally used with some success by adults, are also desirable.


A low maternal diet of the most common food allergens (milk, soy, egg, peanuts, wheat and seafood) can offer relief from excessive crying in some children.

Other tricks

Special massage techniques can create relief for the infant affected by colic, but they must be recommended with a certain caution and performed by expert hands.

In the prevention of these disorders, it may be helpful to burp the child once or twice after each meal. Probiotics can also play a positive role in treating newborn colic.

Finally, there are very important interventions for counseling and support to parents, in view of a possible psychosomatic origin of colic of the newborn. It can help, for example, pamper the baby and distract him with music, carry him around, move him or lay him down on a hot water bag wrapped in a cloth.