
Muscular Contracture Symptoms

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A muscle contraction is an involuntary, insistent and painful contraction of one or more skeletal muscles. This lesion occurs when the muscle tissue is stimulated by a movement beyond the physiological tolerance limit: the fibers suddenly increase their tone due to an altered contractile capacity, but do not suffer damage or breakage.

Muscle contractions can occur due to various causes: sudden and sudden movements, too intense efforts, insufficient heating, fatigue conditions, excessive emotional tension, pregnancy and sedentary life.

In several cases, these lesions are associated with anatomical and functional problems (eg limb asymmetry, postural defects and weakness of some muscle groups) or the presence of an underlying pathology (eg obesity, tetanus, peritonitis, diseases of the nervous system and poisoning).

Most common symptoms and signs *

  • Muscle pains
  • Edema

Further indications

The muscles involved in the contracture appear rigid and, during the course of the activity, there is a modest and widespread pain. In the affected area, it is possible to feel an involuntary increase in muscle tone, swelling and tension to the touch. Furthermore, during the course of the movements, it is possible to feel a limitation proportional to the gravity of the injury.

Muscle contractures usually resolve within a few days, with a conservative treatment that includes rest and suspension of physical activity. Your doctor may also recommend a treatment with painkillers, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and muscle relaxants.

To speed up the healing time, it is useful to undergo an invigorating massage performed by an expert, and perform stretching exercises.