
We attach importance to supplements

By Dr. Davide Marciano

Integration is used by athletes to improve athletic performance and we bodybuilders seek maximum muscle growth from it.

Unfortunately, many people believe that using supplements alone can give them massive gains and definition. This is why they take tons of products, use the supplement sponsored by the World champion or the one recommended by their friend, they almost come to an addiction that takes them away from the really fundamental things.

With this you do not absolutely want to accuse integrators of doubting their usefulness, but you must be aware that there is a hierarchical scale and the integrators are not found at the top of it. That is, you must follow a good diet, a good workout and only then plan an integrational intake.

Is your training short and intense? Does it follow a periodization? Do you use the principle of progressive overload? Do you get enough rest? How many calories are you taking? Are they all nutritious calories? What kind of diet do you do?

These are all questions that you should be able to answer before buying a supplement.

You never ask yourself why you can't get a good muscle mass gain even if you take this or that supplement. Think about it ..... maybe you don't have the habit of having breakfast.

It may seem strange to you, but breakfast like all the other meals of the day is certainly much more important than the best supplement on the market.

As the biochemist Barry Sears says: there is no better drug (much less a supplement) than the food itself.

Put it well in your head: no pill or powder will ever make you grow if you don't do the rest first (all else if you want to ruin yourself with drugs). It is as if we wanted to put fixtures on a building that does not yet have walls.

A lean and muscular body is built over time, with due calm and with many sacrifices, without unnecessary shortcuts which, besides not serving, represent a way to spend money.

Not to mention the aberrations said by presumed "competent" instructors / instructors (not always) only in the taking of drugs that are not aware of the existence of the INTEGRATION SCIENCE.

Yes dear readers, there are studies through which we can understand the efficacy, the danger and the quantity to be taken of an integrator.

Coming back to us and giving a report we must, before taking any supplement, respect the following points:

  1. Plan a good workout with two or three weekly sessions
  2. Use progressive loads and basic exercises
  3. Do not exceed 6 sets per muscle range
  4. Make sure you take in more calories than you consume
  5. Eat about every three hours: breakfast / snack / lunch / snack / dinner
  6. Take 1.4 / 2.5g of protein per body weight
  7. Do not rest less than 8 hours a night

These and many others are the cornerstones of Naturl Bodybuilding. If you respect them all you can start planning a proper integration. As you can see, we talk about PROGRAMMING, or organize an integrational assumption based on training and nutrition and not by chance.

Remember, the motto is always the same: "patience" and physical culture will give you everything back with the due interest.

Food supplements useful in sports