respiratory health

Who hits and where it is easier to get sick building syndrome?

The sick building syndrome is a strange condition, apparently without specific causes, the symptoms of which appear only after frequent visits to a particular building or work structure.

Characterized by various disorders (headache, runny nose, nausea, etc.), sick building syndrome can equally affect young, old, and male or female individuals.

The employees of the offices belonging to buildings with few windows and mechanically ventilated or air-conditioned suffer the most.

Moreover, it has been noticed that it is very frequent among the employees of the working environments where one makes extensive use of computers.

According to experts, the buildings at greatest risk of sick building syndrome are the so-called open space offices, schools, modern libraries and modern museums.


It is possible to suffer from sick building syndrome even at home, however this is a very rare hypothesis.

If it ever happens, the most recommended remedy is to vary the ventilation inside the house.