
Stockholm syndrome

Stockholm syndrome is the term that describes a paradoxical situation in which the victims of a seizure come to prove, over time, positive feelings towards their captors.

At the origin of the name, there is a very curious news story, which occurred in Sweden on August 23, 1973. At 10:15 of that day, in fact, two robbers entered a Bank in Stockholm and took four employees for good hostage 5 days. They were very intense days, when, while the police treated the release of the hostages, the latter and the two criminals established an emotional relationship to the point of protecting themselves and having mutual care. They became increasingly attached to their captors to the point of protecting them and caring for them.

The feeling of affection became such that, at the conclusion of the strange story, the employees went to prison several times to visit the kidnappers; even one of them divorced her husband and married one of the two criminals.

The use of the term syndrome may seem improper, as people living in a situation like the one described above do not experience any particular pathological symptoms or symptoms. However, if its use is accepted and discussed in the medical field, as it refers to a paradox of behavior .