
Breast gymnastics

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Fitness is very important for maintaining or improving breast health and beauty.

In fact, regular physical activity improves the elasticity and firmness of the skin and tissues, fundamental elements for a healthy and beautiful breast. However, it is important to remember that physical activity alone is not sufficient, since it must be associated with a healthy lifestyle, free of excesses and dangerous vices (such as, for example, the smoking habit).

Anatomy of the Breast

The udder is composed mainly of fat, connective and glandular tissue which together determine its shape, consistency and size.

The breast rests on the pectorals that form its base, it does not have its own musculature and, excluding the small muscles that surround the milk ducts, it is completely devoid of muscle fibers.

While fat is essential for protecting this delicate part of the body, on the other the connective tissue ensures containment and support. The more elastic the tissues are, the more the breast appears turgid and beautiful.

Genetics play an important role in the development of the female breast. The quantity and distribution of the different components of breast tissue are in fact very sensitive to what is written in their DNA.


Gymnastics for a more beautiful breast

Beyond the genetic component, a woman's lifestyle influences breast size, shape and size. Just look around to understand that there is a strong relationship between the percentage of body fat and the volume of the breasts.

Many people attach too much importance to chest training. In reality there are no specific exercises that improve the appearance of the breast and the selective strengthening of these muscles is not very effective or even harmful. Excessive hypertrophy could lead to a clear and unpleasant separation between muscle and breast tissue.

There may also be postural changes that can lower and hide the breast due to excessive forward bending of the shoulders.

For this reason it is better to focus on global activities and correct any postural defects.

Incorrect attitudes in the spine are more frequent than one might think. Excessive dorsal kyphosis combined with sliding forward of the shoulders is frequent in women with medium-large breasts. This is the typical attitude of the closed and shy person that tends to close in on itself also from the physical point of view. The same weight of the udders and some work activities, such as standing forward on a desk, can accentuate the problem.

Try to flex your torso, you will find that the more you come down and the more the weight of the breast is totally entrusted to the skin and the suspensory ligaments. In this position the natural support of the pectoral muscles is lacking and in the long run the skin suffers losing its natural elasticity. In addition, the ligaments that hold the breast anchored to the skin are excessively stretched causing an irreversible breast ptosis.

On the contrary, the more you stand, keeping your shoulders open and back, the more you will have the impression of having a more sustained, more beautiful and bigger breast.

To make this effect permanent, it is necessary to concentrate on mobilizing the scapular humeral, stretching and strengthening the posterior shoulder muscles, in particular the external rotators. During the day it will then be necessary to maintain a posture as upright as possible both during work activities and during walking, in this case imitating the walking style of the models.

Examining human anatomy we see that the pectoral muscles tend to have a function exactly opposite to the muscles we have listed above. Therefore, a good balance must be found between the strengthening of one and the other muscle group.

During the training session it is very important to choose a good sports bra that protects the breasts from the microtraumas they are subjected to.

Useful Tips

Nutrition and Skin Care for a more beautiful Breast

To obtain and maintain a beautiful and healthy breast for as long as possible - in addition to the adequate level of physical activity - it is of fundamental importance to adopt a balanced diet. In this regard, we must pay attention to the so-called yo-yo diets because rapid changes in body weight inevitably damage the skin (see stretch marks). Therefore, it is advisable to adopt a healthy, balanced diet rich in antioxidants that helps maintain and improve normal skin elasticity.

A decisive role in maintaining a beautiful and healthy breast is also played by the degree of hydration of the body and of the skin in particular. The optimal body hydration must be maintained by trying to drink a lot of water, bearing in mind that the more dehydrated the skin is, the less it appears tonic, elastic and turgid (the classic example of the peel of an apple that shrivels with the passing of days).

Finally, it is necessary to have a particular eye on the choice of detergents and cosmetic products to be used in this delicate area of ​​the body. The use of non-aggressive detergents and the subsequent application of moisturizing creams are, in fact, an ideal complement for the care of one's breast.