heart health

The heart attack and the stress of Monday

The heart attack - more properly called myocardial infarction - is the pathological process due to which the flow of blood destined for the myocardium (or the heart muscle) is inadequate to the requests.

Often caused by atherosclerosis, this serious condition causes necrosis (ie death) of myocardial tissue and a reduction in the contractile capacity of the heart.

According to curious statistical studies, heart attacks would be more frequent on Mondays.

For what reason?

The researchers explained this strange result with the fact that Monday is, for many people, a particularly stressful day, since it coincides with the resumption of work activity after the weekend.

Going into the details of such research, in fact, it seems that the stress caused by the return to work significantly raises the levels of an essential hormone for life - cortisol - produced by the adrenal glands and also defined as "stress hormone".

A marked increase in cortisol levels has various repercussions on an individual's vital signs; one of these is the increase in blood pressure ( hypertension ), which is a known factor favoring the rupture of any atheromatous plaques present inside the coronary arteries.