nutrition and health

Homocysteine: Folic Acid Against Vascular Events and Cancer

Taken from: " Effects of lowering homocysteine ​​levels with B vitamins in cardiovascular diseases, cancer and other specific causes of mortality: Meta-analysis of 8 randomized clinical trials involving 37485 individuals ". Year 2010.

In this study the clinical data of 37485 individuals were obtained, thanks to 8 large studies (randomized and placebo-controlled) that took into consideration the folic acid supplement referred to the cardiovascular risk of hyperhomocysteinemia.

During the treatment period 9326 major vascular events occurred (3990 coronary, 1528 stroke and 5068 vascularization interventions), 3010 tumors and 5125 deaths. The use of folic acid caused a 25% reduction in homocysteinemia levels; however, after 5 years, it was found that the use of folic acid did NOT have significant effects on vascular events (major and minor), on the incidence of cancer and on general mortality.