
Intimate hair removal: What is it? How do you practice? Pros and Cons of G.Bertelli


Intimate hair removal allows the removal of unwanted hair, in a more or less lasting way, from the bikini area (groin, inner thighs and pubis). The regions near the genital organs are very delicate and, as such, require some extra attention.

Intimate hair removal can be tackled with various techniques: from razor to depilatory creams, to alternatives represented by waxing and the electric epilator or to innovative methods that exploit selective photothermolysis, ie laser and pulsed light.

The type of intimate hair removal that best suits your needs should be chosen based on the characteristics of the hair and skin . In this sense, help can be provided by your dermatologist, to whom you can contact for advice, know the contraindications and understand if there is a "predisposition" to develop adverse reactions to the method for which you are more inclined.

From now on it must be specified that the intimate depilation removes the superficial part of the hair, not influencing the "vitality"; unlike epilation, in fact, the methods used (razor and depilatory creams) do not intervene on the hair bulb that remains in the skin, therefore the regrowth occurs after about 2-7 days.

What's this

What is Intimate Hair Removal?

Intimate hair removal is a widespread practice not only among women, but also among men . This can be done comfortably at home, in certified beauty salons or in dermatological clinics. Clearly, the "do it yourself" is more convenient and economical, while the professional treatments offer a fast and higher performance intimate hair removal on difficult areas.

The region near the genital organs is a very sensitive part of our body: being so delicate, it needs some more foresight, in terms of both preparation and intimate hair removal. Also for this reason, before opting for a method and inserting it into your routine, it is advisable to consult your dermatologist. In fact, intimate hair removal involves the risk of incurring some cuts and unpleasant irritations.

Intimate hair removal: areas of interest

Intimate hair removal is practiced to remove unwanted hair from the regions near the genital organs, ie the groin, the inner thighs, the pubis (bikini area) and, for the man, the scrotum . Total, integral or complete depilation (or epilation) may also affect the perineum and the region near the anus .

Peli: some information

Before delving into the available techniques for intimate hair removal, it is worth remembering some information on down:

  • The hairs are spread over the entire body surface, with the exception of the palms of the hands, soles of the feet, free margin of the lips and some areas of the genital area. Their characteristics (number, shape, length and type) may vary from person to person.
  • From the anatomical point of view, in the hair there are two main parts: stem (evident on the outside of the skin plane) and root (contained in the hair follicle at the level of the epidermis). In the deepest part, the follicle swells to form the hair bulb, containing, in turn, the dermal papilla ; the latter structure consists of a group of cells in active proliferation which give rise to the hair (matrix).
  • The hair is not produced continuously by the follicle, but follows a life cycle in which periods of activity alternate with those of rest: anagen (growth), catagen (transition) and telogen (rest).

What is it for?

Why do Intimate Hair Removal?

Intimate hair removal allows you to have a smooth and free from excess hair, allowing an improvement in the aesthetic aspect. The methods used to depilate the groin and pubic area are fast and simple, suitable if you want to remove the hair very precisely and without any pain.

Intimate hair removal vs intimate hair removal

By intimate hair removal we mean the elimination of the apical portion of the hair, that is the superficial and visible part beyond the epidermis. Unlike epilation - which removes the hair in its entirety, including the hair bulb - the "vital" part that remains in the skin is not affected in any way, therefore the regrowth occurs after 2-7 days .

Hairs in private parts: are they really superfluous? What functions do they perform?

In the intimate parts, the hairs are often seen as not hygienic, but, in reality, they should not be considered with the meaning of "superfluous", for the simple fact that their presence:

  • It protects the sensitive skin of the area from external aggressions (such as rubbing due to underwear or over-tight clothing, compression of the private parts during prolonged sexual intercourse or use of the bicycle and many other situations);
  • It creates a barrier, trapping bacteria and other potentially pathogenic microorganisms, which can access the genitals . The absence of pubic hair near the intimate parts and the compromise of the local bacterial flora can increase the risk of developing infections;
  • Helps keep skin temperature stable ( thermoregulation ).

In addition, near the genitals, the hair helps reduce friction during sexual relations, forming a sort of protective " cushion" for this delicate part of our body. Furthermore, the hairs have a thermoregulatory function.


Intimate hair removal: how to prepare the skin for treatment

The intimate depilation involves an initial preparation of the skin, with cleansing (hot shower) and exfoliation with very delicate products, such as a scrub or the gommage that is usually used for the face (note: gloves should be avoided, instead horsehair or loofah that can scratch the skin). This operation helps to prevent the formation of ingrown hairs and allows the elimination of any impurities, dead cells, dirt residues or any substance present on the surface, which could influence the treatment outcome. In other words, before depilating the area around the genitals, it is very important to make sure that the skin is always clean, dry and free of greasiness, oily creams or alcohol-based products.

If intimate hair removal is used instead, it is a good idea to make sure, before starting, that the hair reaches a minimum length of half a centimeter. In this way, the wax and the tweezers of the epilator can adhere to the shaft of the pubic hair in a correct manner, besides limiting the pain.

How much time do you spend on Intimate Hair Removal?

The time required for intimate hair removal varies from 15 to 30 minutes . Depending on habits and the degree of resistance to pain, you can choose between different methods to remove excess hair from the bikini area.


Intimate hair removal with the razor

The razor is one of the most practical methods for intimate hair removal: simply, the hair is cut flush with the skin with a blade.

Compared to those used for shaving beards, razors for intimate hair removal have some differences:

  • In most cases, shavers for intimate hair removal are two-ply to reduce the risk of abrading or cutting off the most delicate parts, such as the hollow between the inner face of the thigh and the groin;
  • The blades for intimate hair removal are less "aggressive", ie they are less sharp than the shaving razor;
  • After the row of blades, the shaver for intimate hair removal may have lubricating or soothing strips to prevent irritation;
  • The head can be articulated, to arrive at any point, without having to perform "dangerous" movements (note: in general, it is not recommended to get too close to the genitals with the blades).

Compared to other methods, intimate shaving with a razor is a painless and certainly faster solution . However, unwanted hair is only cut and not torn together with the bulb, so it will later grow back harder and stronger, in less time (2-3 days).

For a "safer" hair removal, it is possible to opt for an electric razor designed specifically for the groin area.


The razor has the advantage of being a convenient , economical and very fast method. This solution is practical to use as a "last minute" remedy .


  • The razor is an intimate hair removal tool that only removes the part that comes out of the skin and does not in the least affect the hair follicle: the hair tends to grow back after 2-4 days . This inconvenience increases the frequency of shaving, with the resulting consequences (greater risk of cuts, ingrown hairs etc.).
  • The blade can irritate the skin that is particularly delicate in the bikini area, predisposing to the formation of pimples . In some cases, skin inflammation may occur (for example, due to the penetration of bacteria by sliding the razor over the skin).
  • The hairs of the pubic area are very thick and, when the blade passes, are cut cleanly at the level of the stem. At regrowth, therefore, the hair is brighter and harder . If the skin is not sufficiently hydrated and exfoliated, the hairs that grow back may incarnate.
  • When shaving with a razor, be careful not to go too deep to avoid cutting yourself in such delicate areas: using a razor can cause irritation, bruises and small wounds, even if not visible to the naked eye, which could become infected especially in summer, by the sea or by the pool. In addition to increasing the risk of skin infections, microlesions caused by the blades can, in some cases, predispose to sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).

Depilatory Cream

Intimate hair removal with the depilatory cream

The depilatory cream can be considered an alternative to the razor, comparable in terms of yield and duration of results.

In this case, intimate hair removal requires a small amount of product to be applied to the groin, which has previously been well cleansed and dry. Given the very compact consistency, the cream can be applied with great precision. Once the laying time has elapsed (from three to eight minutes), the excess should be removed, using the spatula or sponge provided in the package, and rinse thoroughly.

The depilatory cream contains substances, such as thioglycolic acid, which act "chemically" attacking keratin, the main component of the hair, which is detached from the skin . This system for intimate hair removal does not in the least affect the part that remains under the epidermis, much less the hair bulb.

The effects are longer lasting than those of the razor: the hair grows back after about a week, but it is better not to immediately reuse this groin hair removal method to avoid stressing the skin. Furthermore, containing chemical agents that can irritate the most sensitive skin, the depilatory cream should be destined to small areas, far from the mucous membranes of the genitals.


  • The application of the depilatory cream is fast, as is the laying which can range from 3 to 10 minutes. To these, the time necessary for rinsing is added, which can be done comfortably under the shower jet .
  • The pain associated with intimate hair removal with the depilatory cream is practically nil.


  • For use, it is always necessary to follow the instructions, especially regarding the shutter speed, as it can cause unpleasant irritation.
  • If the intimate hair removal cream is not applied with care, the result may not be perfect.
  • The smell of some formulations can be annoying.
  • In some cases, the intimate hair removal cream can activate the immune system and trigger adverse reactions (irritative contact dermatitis) or allergic reactions. For this reason, it is essential to perform the tolerability test (in the same way as other cosmetics, such as hair dye), especially when suffering from allergies, including respiratory or food.

Hair removal

"Tear-off" intimate hair removal methods

  • Hot waxing

Hot waxing is a method for intimate hair removal that involves the use of resins that dissolve with the heat of a stove. The compound thus obtained spreads over the skin, then it is applied on the appropriate strips, which must be removed with a tear against the hair, net and fast.

  • Epilatory strips

In this case, the wax is ready for use and placed on strips. These must be heated with the palms of the hands for a few seconds, then they are well adhered to the area to be epilated. The strip must be torn off in the opposite direction to the growth of the hair, keeping the skin well stretched.

  • Electric epilator

The electric epilator is a device that can be used in various areas of the body, including groin, legs, armpits, arms and face. Some models are equipped with specific heads for the most sensitive and delicate parts (eg face-armpits-groin), but, in most cases, just select the lowest speed. The electric epilator is the ideal option for those with sensitive skin that "fears" the razor blade and wants to remove excess hair in a lasting way, without having to resort to waxing or intimate hair removal with the cream.


  • If the procedure for epilation is performed correctly, the hair is removed from the root and requires more time to regrow (about 3 weeks) than that required for intimate hair removal.


  • Compared to intimate hair removal, the pain in the groin area during epilation is considerable . To limit discomfort, it is possible to concentrate on the speed of the tear: the faster it is, the less the suffering.
  • For hot waxing, a certain dexterity is required: for those who are beginners, it is best to use a professional to avoid burns and irritation. The "do it yourself" should also be avoided in the case of thin groin skin, as it may cause the capillaries to rupture.
  • The application and tearing of epilating strips can be difficult on concave parts, such as the groin fold.
  • In summer, do not expose yourself to the sun immediately after using epilating strips and waxing, without very high protection. The risk is that of finding yourself with a dark patch of hyper pigmentation.
  • Finally, as regards the epilator, it is necessary to respect the optimal hygienic conditions (such as cleaning the heads and tweezers at each use) to avoid infections or other problems.

Selective photothermolysis

  • Laser hair removal

Laser hair removal of intimate parts can be performed in certified beauty salons or medical offices. Depending on the area to be treated, several sessions are required, scheduled monthly or bi-monthly. Thanks to specific wavelengths for the different types of skin, the laser emits a beam of light that selectively strikes the melanin contained in the dark colored hair on the light complexion, overheating the hair shaft and its root and denature the vital structures .

Sitting after session, there is a gradual thinning and thinning of unwanted hair and regrowth is strongly slowed down: it should be noted that laser hair removal is not definitive, but the time interval before a new treatment is certainly longer, if compared to that of intimate hair removal. Furthermore, this type of intervention is particularly recommended for people suffering from pathologies that can be exacerbated by shredding continuously, including irritative folliculitis and pilonidal cysts.

To learn more about Pro and Against Laser Hair Removal »
  • Pulsed light epilation

In this case, a high intensity polychromatic light (IPL) turns into heat when it hits the melanin (the pigment that gives the dark color to the hair). In this way a strong temperature increase is generated which is transferred to the hair bulb, which undergoes degeneration. The pulsed light epilation removes the hair with a principle of action comparable to the laser treatment, with the difference that the latter technology acts at unidirectional and monochromatic wavelengths.

Both these alternative methods to intimate hair removal present a series of advantages: in addition to being painless, in fact, they favor a reduction in the quantity and diameter of the hairs, as well as a slow, if not imperceptible, regrowth thanks to the elimination of the hair bulb. The cons can be photosensitivity, whereby pulsed light sessions are suspended with direct sun exposure.

To learn more about Pros and Cons Pulsed Light Epilation »

Risks and Contraindications

Intimate hair removal: what are the problems depending on?

In the intimate area, the hair is distributed along various directions on the skin, so it is necessary to intervene several times on the part that is to be depilated or epilated. This exposes to a greater risk of small abrasions, cuts, burns and rashes both in women and in men.

The risk of injury during intimate hair removal depends on certain factors:

  • Frequency with which one shaves;
  • Attention paid to movements and initial preparation;
  • Type of instrument / method used ;
  • Extension of intimate hair removal and level of hair removal (ie if all or part of it is eliminated; if it is cut or removed from the root).

The problems are more frequent for those who choose full shaving or shave often, but the probability of incurring folliculitis, small abscesses and skin reactions from intimate hair removal is only slightly higher in women than in men.

Intimate hair removal: are there any contraindications?

In general, intimate hair removal should be avoided if the skin is very sensitive, delicate and thin . Another contraindication is the tendency to ingrown hairs, as infections could develop. In this regard, it should be noted that these should never be grubbed up by manual squeezing: this mechanical action causes traumas in the skin, resulting in small scars and inflammation of the follicle.

In the following cases, then, intimate hair removal should be performed only after consulting a doctor: eczema, varicose veins, pregnancy, haemophilia, systemic immunodeficiency, candida, Raynaud's disease and diabetes mellitus.

Signals to watch out for

Intimate hair removal can cause irritation (itching, discomfort and redness of the skin) depending on the condition of the skin and hair. This reaction is normal and should disappear quickly, but it could be stronger if you shave for the first few times or if you have a reactive or very sensitive skin . If after 36 hours the skin still appears red, hot and swollen, it is recommended to consult your doctor .

In the case of cuts or wounds that involve more annoying and problematic manifestations, such as folliculitis (inflammation of hair follicles) and ingrown hairs, it is advisable to request the intervention of the reference dermatologist.

Some advice

Intimate hair removal: how to choose the most suitable method?

The choice of the method for intimate hair removal depends on the type of skin and the result to be obtained. The fundamental aspect is to respect the sensitivity of the area, trying as much as possible not to alter the balance that naturally protects the genital organs.

Among all intimate hair removal methods :

  • Most comfortable are razor and cream; these, however, have a short duration and, in summer, this can be a problem.
  • More painful are waxes for the discomfort caused by the strip tearing and pulsed light and laser for overheating of the treated area during the session (the skin will then be soothed with special creams). However, these hair removal methods (pulsed light and laser) are the most effective in terms of duration.

If there are any doubts about intimate hair removal that is more appropriate for your skin type, you can ask your doctor or dermatologist for advice on how to evaluate the various possibilities.

Precaution to be taken

  • If the skin is irritated or sensitized, it is better to postpone the appointment with intimate hair removal (whatever the method chosen).
  • When using the razor for intimate hair removal, proceed with caution to the "irregular" areas . To avoid the risk of cuts and micro-traumas, do not pass the blade too quickly on the skin: calculate at least 15 minutes for the groin depilation only and weight the appropriate time for areas such as the pubis, the scrotum and the inner thigh.
  • Prefer disposable razors, as they are more hygienic and safe;
  • Never use the dry razor for intimate hair removal: to soften the hair and make the blade slide better, cover the sides of the groin with a special foam, cream or gel (note: these products are similar to those used for shave the beard, but they are formulated to respect the intimate area).
  • When using depilatory cream for intimate hair removal, if the hair does not come off easily, rinse with warm water and pat dry with a towel, without rubbing .
  • To delay the regrowth of hair in the groin area, women can shave during menstruation ; at this stage, the activity of the follicle is slowed down. Instead, it is better to avoid waxing in the period immediately preceding or corresponding to the menstrual flow, since the pain threshold is higher.
  • To avoid irritation, before and immediately after intimate hair removal, it is advisable not to apply alcoholic lotions and to avoid using soap for at least 12 hours. Be careful not to expose yourself to the sun .

After intimate hair removal

Intimate hair removal can cause redness, which usually vanish within a few hours. For this reason, at the end of the treatment, it is recommended to apply a moisturizing cream or gel with a soothing action (eg sweet almond oil, coconut butter, aloe vera, calendula, chamomile, zinc and titanium dioxide) to accelerate the skin repair process . Immediately after intimate hair removal, soaps, alcohol-based products (eg deodorants) or other irritants should be avoided.

The first day after intimate hair removal, it is advisable to wear cotton linen to let the skin transpire. To reduce discomfort, too tight and uncomfortable clothing should also be avoided.