
Acid Killer - Scitec Nutrition

Information on Acid Killer - Scitec Nutrition


Food supplement based on Beta Alanine and L-histidine powder


Pack of 120 grams


For 4 grams of product

Beta Alanine 3.6 gr

L-histidine 400mg

Product features Acid Killer - Scitec Nutrition

Beta alanine - obtained following the degradation of carnosine and didrouracil, presenting the amino group in beta position, is not part of the normal protein synthesis processes.

Beta alanine is introduced through foods rich in carnosine (mainly meat); can use specific membrane transporters to cross the small intestine and reach the liver through the circulatory stream, where, by the enzyme carnosine synthase, it is veiled with the L-histidine in the B-alanin L-histidine dipeptide (carnosine) and distributed in the various tissues, especially at the level of skeletal muscle (mainly white fibers) and of the brain. Here, through mechanisms that are not yet fully known, it performs different functions, mainly antioxidants and buffering agents.

Beta alanine supplementation has proven to be particularly effective in increasing carnosine muscle stocks, representing the limiting factor in its synthesis. Several studies have shown how the integration of this amino acid, which lasts for several weeks, can guarantee an increase in carnosine muscle pull up to 80%, which is stable and biologically functional.

L-Histidine - polar amino acid characterized by the presence of a histidine ring. This residue allows histidine to re-enter numerous biological reactions in which it is necessary to transport and accept an H + ion.

This property is most likely responsible for the buffering action of carnosine.

In addition to the synthesis of carnosine, histidine is also important in the synthesis of histamine, involved both in allergic reactions and in the regulation of acid secretion of the stomach. Its daily requirement is estimated at between 1 and 8 g, a quantity that can easily be reached through a healthy diet, being very present in foods of animal origin (meat and fish), but also in peanuts and beans. For this reason, its integration is not very useful, especially in order to increase carnosine levels, given that the histidine used would indifferently be used also for protein synthesis.

Deficiencies of this amino acid, which is essential for children, are very rare, although there has been a decrease in these individuals with arthritis.

Carnosine in sports Acid Killer - Scitec Nutrition

Carnosine in sports is used in order to:

  • Improve athletic performance: reducing muscle acidosis and increasing muscle energy reserves;
  • Support muscle contraction;
  • Reduce the feeling of fatigue;
  • Facilitate recovery: reducing oxidative damage induced by intense physical activity;
  • Increase muscle mass.

Rationale for use Acid Killer - Scitec Nutrition

This supplement was created with the aim of improving athletic performance by increasing muscle carnosine levels. Several studies have shown that beta alanine supplementation, at 4.8 gr / day, can increase muscle carnosine levels by 4% in 4 weeks, and as prolonged for other 4 it may even bring the gain of this dipeptide to 80%.

Inevitably the increase in muscle carnosine levels is followed by an improvement in athletic performance:

- with an increase in average strength of 5% and a maximum of 11%, with an improvement in aerobic and ventilatory capacity;

- with a reduction in markers of muscle damage induced by intense physical exercise;

- with an increase in lean mass (especially when associated with creatine).

However, it appears that there are no particular advantages in administering beta alanine with histidine compared to those obtainable with Beta alanine alone.

Recommended use by the company - Acid Killer - Scitec Nutrition

Take ½ scoop or 1 scoop (4 gr) of product per day

Use in sports practice Acid Killer - Scitec Nutrition

The various studies propose very various dosages, ranging from 2 to 6 grams per day, for at least 4 weeks. The only purpose for which this supplement is used is in fact that related to the possibility of increasing the muscular stocks of carnosine, for which supplementation is required at least twice a week. The most characterized dosages are around 3/4 grams per day, for which the best ergogenic effects are recorded. However, a recent study has shown that supplementation for 21 days at 6 g divided into 4 intakes, and subsequent 21 days at 6 g divided into 3 intakes, has increased both aerobic capacity and lean mass.

Despite this it is advisable to divide the total dose in different assumptions spaced at least 2 hours apart from each other, trying not to exceed 800mg, a dose at which paresthesia phenomena can occur that however disappear very quickly.

Furthermore, intake on an empty stomach or with the addition of simple sugars would be more effective on the one hand to reduce competitive absorption phenomena with taurine, glycine, alanine and proline, and on the other hand to use insulin boost in uptake muscle. Given the powdered product, it would be advisable to divide the measuring cup by 4 gr, in 4 dosages of 1 gr. Example: 1 g in the morning, 1 g pre workout (at least 40 minutes before training), 1 g post-work out and one before going to bed.

How to optimize your business - Acid Killer - Scitec Nutrition

As already mentioned, it would be advisable to take this supplement on an empty stomach, or with simple sugars, to favor muscle uptake. To avoid the simultaneous intake of competitive amino acids such as glycine, taurine, L-Alanine and proline.

It should be administered at intervals over 2 hours, and at doses lower than 800 mg at a time.

Several studies show that the simultaneous intake of creatine can enhance the ergogenic activities of both compounds. At the same time, the action of protecting damage induced by intense physical exercise could be enhanced, with the simultaneous intake of other antioxidants.

Side effects Acid Killer - Scitec Nutrition

Beta alanine: cases of paresthesia (tingling), skin redness and heat may already occur at doses of 10 mg / kg, which become greater by 20mg / kg and severe by 40mg / kg.

The presence of these side effects is attributable to the blood peak that occurs after the administration of Beta alanine (30/45 minutes after ingestion); consequently the same effects, although pronounced and dependent dose, tend to resolve quickly.

Precautions for use Acid Killer - Scitec Nutrition

The product is contraindicated in cases of renal or hepatic disease, cardiovascular disease and / or hypertension, during pregnancy, during lactation and under 14 years.

This article, elaborated on the critical re-reading of scientific articles, university texts and common practice, is for informational purposes only and is therefore not a medical prescription. It is therefore always necessary to consult your doctor, nutritionist or pharmacist before starting to use any kind of supplement . Further information on the critical analysis of Acid Killer - Scitec Nutrition.


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