
Special legs and buttocks

Perfect buttocks and legs with the advice of our personal trainers

We have grouped the most interesting articles concerning the training of legs and buttocks. These articles, written specifically for a female audience, reveal all the secrets to obtain perfect legs and buttocks.

Legs and buttocks: errors and false myths in female training

Legs and buttocks are parts of the body to which the female universe dedicates so much attention and care as to the face, the treated part par excellence. Indeed, it often happens that girls and women who shun makeup do worry and commit themselves diligently to preserve or achieve tone and aesthetically pleasing forms of the lower part of the body.

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Model legs and buttocks with 4 exercises

I can say, without failing too much, that 90% of women do not like their legs, those who see them chubby and without shape, those who see their hips too wide, some with their asses too big, some with so much cellulite, some with the legs too dry, some with the flat bottom, etc. etc. etc.

Very few like them! Is it not so?

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Perfect buttocks, biomechanical anatomy and training

The buttock is not a single muscle but is formed by a set of three muscles, the small, medium and large buttocks, respectively.

These muscles originate from the hip and are inserted in the proximal part of the femur (trochanter).

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Perfect buttocks, the secret of Brazilian dancers

Invitation to raise your hand to the young ladies who are reading this article who do not want samba-type buttocks at the Rio carnival. Let's start with some anatomy of the buttock. The buttock is that muscle that covers the latero-posterior part of the pelvis and that goes to fit on the femur. It is composed of three muscular bellies, small gluteus, middle gluteal and large buttock.

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See also: perfect buttocks in the gym

Sit flat? Here is the solution

the gluteus maximus is the most powerful muscle of the body (34Kgm for a shortening of 15 cm), the largest and of course the strongest (238 Kg).

The main action of the large buttock is to extend and adduct the hip.

The buttock is not a strictly postural muscle, it is not much involved in walking but only in the forced extension of the hip as in running, climbing or rising from a sitting position.

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Women and weights winning combination

The widespread fear that training with weights in a short time can lead to excessive muscular development is basically meaningless.

Exercises with free weights, no matter how heavy they are, will never make you a bodybuilder. It is physiologically impossible ...

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Fit buttocks without going to the gym

Below is a series of vignettes with a caption that will help you train all three buttock muscles in just a few minutes without the need for special tools or supports.

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Tonic buttocks

An idea for a simple and effective workout that can really improve the appearance of the buttocks

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