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Mercurius Solubilis

What is that

Mercurius solubilis - also known as " Mercurius vivus " and sometimes simply abbreviated as "mercury" - is a homeopathic remedy widely used in the treatment of disorders affecting different parts of the body, such as the digestive system, upper respiratory tract, teeth or the joints.

This homeopathic remedy is obtained from mercury (the well-known liquid metal at room temperature) through a long and laborious process. On the market, the Mercurius solubilis remedy is available in the form of drops or globules at different concentrations. The choice to use one concentration rather than another should be made by the homeopathic doctor, as it depends on the type of disorder that needs to be treated.

In the course of this article the main characteristics of this homeopathic remedy and the main disorders for which its use is indicated will be illustrated.


Homeopathic practices are not accepted by medical science, they have not been subjected to experimental tests conducted with the scientific method or have not passed them. Therefore, they could prove to be ineffective or even harmful to health.

Not by chance, on the packaging of homeopathic products there is the obligation by law to affix the word "without approved therapeutic indications".


Preparation of the homeopathic remedy Mercurius Solubilis

The homeopathic remedy Mercurius solubilis is obtained through a rather complex and laborious preparation.

According to the German Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia, this remedy is prepared by dissolving 10 parts of Hydrargyrum nitricum oxydulatum (or Mercurius nitricus oxydulatus, another homeopathic remedy) in a solution of 88 parts of purified water and 2 parts of nitric acid R. Then, it is necessary to bring the solution at pH 7 using ammonia. The precipitate that forms must be immediately filtered, "dried" with several layers of filter paper and left to dry in a dryer, away from light, for at least 24 hours.

From the subsequent processing of this precipitate the homeopathic remedy will then be obtained in different dilutions.


The remedy Mercurius solubilis enjoys a great reputation in the world of homeopathy. In fact, many argue that Dr. Hahnemann (father of homeopathy) began his studies on infinitesimal doses precisely starting from the mercury which - at the time when the German doctor lived - was widely used (in the form of nitrate) in the treatment of syphilis, despite its heavy toxic effects.


Main Indications of the Mercurius Solubilis Remedy

According to the basic principle of homeopathy of "similar care", the Mercurius solubilis is considered the remedy of excellence against all those disorders that lead to the formation of foul-smelling and burning secretions, but not only. In fact, homeopathy considers this remedy useful also in many other situations, such as:

  • Throat inflammation and pharyngitis;
  • Tonsillitis associated with intense thirst and sialorrhea;
  • Rhinitis;
  • Medium ear plugs;
  • Gastrointestinal inflammations;
  • Gingivitis and aphthous stomatitis;
  • Caries;
  • Dental abscesses and canker sores;
  • Fever associated with tremors and night sweats;
  • Inflammation of the eyes and eyelids with formation of dense and irritating secretions;
  • Headache that worsens at night;
  • Bone pains that worsen during the night;
  • Diarrhea of ​​the traveler;
  • Vaginitis associated with burning and irritating leaks and intense itching.

In addition to the aforementioned physical disorders, the Mercurius solubilis remedy can also be used in the case of mood disorders and behavior, such as states of agitation, fear, anger and irritability.

The Mercurius Solubilis type

Characteristics of the Mercurius Solubilis typeface

The character type Mercurius solubilis is usually female, has a very light complexion, blue eyes and blond hair. He is an agitated type, he speaks and moves quickly (like quicksilver, a vulgar name that was once called mercury).

The Mercurius type is an emotionally insecure person, suspicious of others, does not like to be criticized and is subject to anger attacks. It is rather inconstant and tends to change opinion and lifestyle frequently. In these cases, therefore, the remedy Mercurius solubilis is able to favor the restoration of calm and stability.

In addition to this, the Mercurius type is very sensitive to heat and cold, it tends to easily develop inflammation of the mucous membranes and ulcers and tends to have abundant salivation and night sweats.

Mode of use

The choice of the dilution to be used and the frequency with which to take the homeopathic remedy must be established by the homeopathic doctor on a strictly individual basis, since they depend on the type of disorder that must be treated, its severity, the symptoms manifested and the characteristics of the same patient.

However, in general, it is believed that low dilutions (4-5 CH) of Mercurius solubilis are useful for fostering suppuration; while high dilutions (such as, for example 30 CH) are useful to decrease it.

After starting treatment, the dosage can be adjusted according to the patient's response to the same therapy.

Pregnancy and breastfeeding

Can Mercurius Solubilis Remedy be used in Pregnancy and during Lactation?

Since homeopathic products are extremely diluted, the concentration of "active substances" (in this case mercury) is infinitesimal, if not zero. Therefore, in theory, the use of similar products during pregnancy and lactation should not harm either the fetus / child or the mother.

However, pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers, before taking any medicine or substance (including homeopathic products such as Mercurius solubilis), should ALWAYS seek the advice of their doctor or gynecologist.