
Spirea (Spiraea ulmaria)

What is Spirea

Spirea olmaria, or simply meadowsweet, is a perennial herbaceous plant with diuretic, anti-inflammatory and calming properties. Frequent in northern Italy - sporadic elsewhere and absent in the islands - the spirea prefers moist and fresh soils; for this reason it is common in the vicinity of water courses, especially in mountain and sub-alpine regions. It is also known as the queen of meadows or spirea.

The meadowsweet bloom in May-August, producing small, white, pleasantly scented flowers gathered in a widely branched terminal panicle.

Phytotherapy properties

Precisely the dried flowers, sometimes collected together with the aerial parts, constitute the drug known as spirea olmaria. Inside we find good concentrations of salicylates, substances deriving from salicylic acid, endowed with analgesic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effects.

The best known of these is aspirin (or acetylsalicylic acid *), whose therapeutic effects are broadly common to spirea; the latter is however devoid of gastrolesive effects and in this sense, it can be considered a valid alternative to synthetic aspirin.

What is it used for

The spirea is therefore recommended to relieve mild to medium-sized pains of any origin; in particular, it emphasizes its antirheumatic activity, anti-gout (eases the elimination of uric acid) and diuretic (useful in the presence of cellulite and water retention).

In addition to salicylates, the spirea contains flavonoids (0.5%), vitamin C and tannins.

Side effects

The meadowsweet is considered a safe drug; it must however be used with caution by those who are on anticoagulant treatment and avoided in cases of ascertained sensitivity to salicylates.

Mode of use

Since salicylates are not very soluble in water, infusions based on spirea olmaria are not considered remedies based on salicylates, but simple aromatic complements.

The hydroalcoholic extract (to be taken in drops) and the dry extract (to be taken in the form of opercula) instead enjoy aspirinimile properties.