stomach health

Remedies for Belly Sickness

Bellyache is an extremely widespread symptom among the population, caused by the most disparate and heterogeneous causes. Fortunately, it often represents a minor ailment, which appears as a consequence of a hearty meal or in response to a strong stress: in such circumstances, a stomach ache tends to regress spontaneously or through simple food / behavioral remedies. At other times, however, a stomach ache is an indicator of serious illnesses such as liver dysfunction, biliary colic, pancreatitis, stomach cancer, pancreatic cancer or bowel cancer.

In general, a common (or "non-worrying") stomach ache tends to regress spontaneously within a matter of hours or at most within a couple of days: in these cases, intestinal disorders and menstruation are the most common factors commonly responsible for lower abdominal pain. When, on the other hand, a stomach ache appears higher, it persists and is not reduced with any type of food, behavioral or palliative remedy, an expert's opinion is recommended to assess the seriousness and origin of the disorder.

Note : hardly a stomach ache manifests itself as a symptom in itself. More often, in fact, abdominal pain is accompanied by constipation / diarrhea, abdominal cramps, flatulence, belching, meteorism (swollen belly) and nausea.

What to do

  • One should not be too alarmed if the stomach ache is a disorder that occurs during the menstrual flow or after a particularly abundant meal
  • In some cases, a stomach ache depends on a food intolerance: in similar situations, it is necessary to undergo special diagnostic tests to trace the cause. For example, if a stomach ache depends on a lactose intolerance, the most effective remedy is to eliminate all the foods that contain it from the diet. Again, if the stomach ache was caused by celiac disease, the only appropriate solution is to follow a gluten-free diet (gluten-free)
  • Sip water: avoid swallowing liquids quickly, especially if cold
  • In the event of a stomach ache due to intestinal disorders and vomiting, it is advisable to take solid and light foods (eg crackers) and to avoid milk and dairy products. In similar situations, a good remedy is to take sugary liquids in small doses, and not before 4-6 hours after regurgitation
  • Contact your doctor if the stomach pain lasts more than 7 days and no pharmacological / behavioral / food remedy is able to reverse the disorder
  • Request medical advice if the stomach ache is particularly intense and accompanied by symptoms such as intermittent fever / high fever, vomiting, tarry and bloody stools, jaundice, chest pain and anorexia (loss of appetite)
  • Reduce stress. Even if discounted, decreasing daily tensions is an excellent remedy to prevent or mitigate stress-dependent stomach ache
  • If necessary, take yoga, pilates or any other form of relaxation
  • If necessary, take non-absorbable antibiotics that exert their rebalancing action on the bacterial flora at the enteric level without being absorbed by the intestine (eg Normix ®)
  • Soak in hot water. Even a hot bath can relieve stomach pain, as well as generating a pleasant feeling of well-being and relaxation
  • Apply a hot water bottle on the abdomen: the heat applied on the spot reduces pain, relaxes the abdominal muscles and relieves stomach ache (a remedy particularly indicated in case of abdominal pain due to menstrual pain). Do not place the hot water bottle directly on the skin: wrap it on a soft cloth or place it on clothes
  • Drink hot liquids (broth, milk, detoxified tea, soups)
  • The abdominal pain dependent on menstrual pain can be attenuated even assuming a particular position during sleep: while sleeping, the fetal position with the knees gathered to the chest seems to constitute a discreet remedy to relieve abdominal pain

What NOT to do

  • Overeat. Big binges are the worst allies of a stomach ache
  • Follow an unbalanced diet, characterized by excesses, fat-rich foods and "junk" foods
  • Abuse of heteropolysaccharide-based laxatives (fibers): these products (including herbal products) swell at the gastro-intestinal level, favoring abdominal pain and abdominal bloating
  • Drink carbonated drinks
  • Combine many foods together (eg pasta, meat, fish and desserts)
  • Depression, anxiety and stress accentuate abdominal tension
  • Continue to take non-steroidal pain medications (NSAIDs) in the presence of an upset stomach. As we know, heartburn, stomach ache and gastrointestinal mucosal ulcers are on the list of side effects typical of NSAIDs (see gastrolesive drugs)
  • Sleep in the supine position (belly up): in the presence of bellyache dependent on pancreatitis, the supine position worsens the pain
  • Wear tight clothes, tight-fitting trousers, elastic tights and tight belts: this behavior can improve tummy ache
  • Drink water or iced drinks

What to eat

  • Take yoghurt with live lactic ferments or a probiotic in case of prolonged antibiotic therapy (to strengthen the immune system)
  • Take lots of fruit and vegetables, as it is rich in antioxidants (vitamin C and E)
  • If necessary, control hunger preferring whole foods (pasta, rice) and rich in fiber
  • Give yourself a sugary fruit away from meals: these foods favor the fermentation of the foods to which they are associated, therefore they tend to accentuate (or even provoke) stomach ache and meteorism

What NOT to Eat

  • Avoid eating hard-to-digest foods, such as dips, fries and fat-rich foods
  • Citrus fruits and tomatoes are foods that should be eliminated in the event of a stomach ache associated with heartburn
  • Abdominal pain after a meal can be prevented by avoiding alcohol, caffeine and carbonated drinks
  • Overly spicy foods
  • Avoid or limit as much as possible the consumption of foods that can induce flatulence (legumes), particularly in subjects predisposed to abdominal pain
  • Soft drinks, sweets and artificial sweeteners: fermenting in the intestine, these foods promote abdominal pain and abdominal bloating
  • Sodas
  • Milk and dairy products: limiting the consumption of milk and dairy products is an excellent remedy to alleviate or prevent bellyache in lactose intolerant individuals
  • The combinations "Milk + eggs" as well as "legumes + meat" are not recommended in case of stomach ache, as they increase the perception of a swollen belly. See dissociated diet
  • Complex foods: forcing the gastrointestinal system to a super digestive work, these foods slow down digestion and promote the sensation of stomach ache and bloating

Natural Cures and Remedies

  • Nature turns out to be beneficial against the common stomach ache, but nothing can be done before a pathological abdominal pain. Natural remedies can, in fact, lighten or favor the disappearance of belly-aches depending on intestinal disorders, menstruation, stress and binge eating. In similar circumstances, antispasmic teas are the most suitable:
    • Mint ( Mentha piperita ) → spasmolytic, digestive, antiseptic properties
    • Cumin ( Cuminum cyminum L) → carminative, digestive and antimicrobial properties
    • Fennel ( Foeniculum vulgare) → stimulating action on the motility of the stomach and intestines, anti-fermentation activity
    • Angelica ( Angelica archangelica L) → spasmolytic, prokinetic and carminative activities
    • Lemon balm ( Melissa officinalis ) → relaxing, digestive, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic properties

Pharmacological care

  • Do not take medication without first consulting your doctor. Abdominal pain presents a multifactorial origin; therefore, self-diagnosing the disorder, you risk taking the wrong drugs, such as to make the disorder worse.
    • Antibiotics: pharmacological remedy indicated to relieve abdominal pain related to Helicobacter pylori infections
    • Anti-foam drugs + antacids (eg. Dimethicone): medications indicated to relieve bellyache depending on peptic ulcer or poor digestion
    • Antacid drugs, protectors of the gastric mucosa and proton pump inhibitors are necessary to relieve stomach ache and stomach pain due to gastric ulcer
    • Some enzymatic preparations (eg pancreatin, bromelain and papain) prove to be a good remedy to alleviate stomach aches, as they promote digestion
    • Pro-kinetic drugs: indicated in the presence of abdominal pain to promote emptying of the stomach
    • Probiotic supplements: useful remedy in case of swollen belly. By regulating intestinal activity, these drugs promote engraftment of the symbiont bacterial flora
    Bellyache dependent on mental disorders should be treated with antidepressants. Consult your doctor


  • It is recommended to always take NSAIDs on a full stomach, never fasting, to prevent stomach ache and heartburn (typical side effects of NSAIDs)
  • Avoid drinking alcohol, coffee and caffeinated drinks
  • Chew slowly
  • Maintain a healthy weight
  • Regularly engage in a physical activity
  • Remove stress
  • Drink plenty of water every day (at least 2 liters / day)
  • Dilating meals in small snacks is a useful remedy to prevent "binge eating" and maintain the ideal weight
  • Pay particular attention to taking NSAIDs, drugs responsible for gastric ulcers and stomach ache. If these medicines are necessary, take them during or after a meal
  • Following a healthy and balanced diet, respecting food education, and performing regular exercise, is the most effective remedy to prevent "common" stomach pain

Medical treatments

  • Considering the many facets of a stomach ache, it is understandable that the medical treatments aimed at its recovery are different and numerous. Before intervening, it is clearly necessary to go back to the cause that caused the stomach ache. Here are some examples:
    • The common variant of abdominal pain, the most widespread, generally does not require any specific medical treatment, since it can be solved spontaneously or through the application of simple behavioral / dietary remedies
    • The stomach ache dependent on gastric ulcer should be treated with specific drugs (anti-foam, proton pump inhibitors, etc.) or with surgery (indicated in the presence of ulcers refractory to drug therapy)
    • The stomach ache due to tumors in the stomach, esophagus or pancreas must be treated with a chemotherapy treatment possibly supported by surgery
    Tummy ache dependent on biliary colic should be treated with cholecystectomy