
Laser hair removal


Laser hair removal is a technique that allows the removal of unwanted hair on the face and body, through devices that act on the hair bulb .

The procedure is safe and allows the removal of hair for a long period of time . Thanks to specific wavelengths for different types of skin, the laser emits a beam of light that heats the hair shaft and its root. The final aim is to provoke, gradually after sitting, a progressive thinning and thinning of the hair, strongly slowing down the regrowth and making it not visible to the naked eye.

This type of intervention is particularly recommended for those who are tired of frequently resorting to waxing, razors and various other hair removal methods, especially when it is necessary to treat delicate areas such as groin, armpits, mustaches and eyebrows. Furthermore, laser hair removal is indicated for people with pathologies related to the hair bulb, which can be exacerbated just by shredding continuously, including irritative folliculitis and pilonidal cysts.

Laser hair removal can be performed in certified beauty salons or medical studies. Depending on the area to be treated, several sessions are required, scheduled monthly or bi-monthly.

Peli: some information

  • The hairs are diffused over the entire body surface, with the exception of the palm of the hand, soles of the feet, free margin of the lips and some areas of the genital area. Their characteristics (number, shape, length and type) may vary from person to person.
  • From the anatomical point of view, in the hair there are two main parts: stem (evident on the outside of the skin plane) and root (contained in the hair follicle at the level of the epidermis). In the deepest part, the follicle swells to form the hair bulb, containing, in turn, the dermal papilla ; the latter structure consists of a group of cells in active proliferation which give rise to the hair.
  • The hair is not produced continuously by the follicle, but follows a life cycle in which periods of activity alternate with those of rest: anagen (growth), catagen (transition) and telogen (rest).

Laser hair removal: how does it work?

Unlike classic hair removal techniques, which remove only the apical part of the hair, laser hair removal allows it to be removed in its entirety, including hair bulb.

The principle with which it works is the physical one of light: the laser emits a beam of unidirectional and monochromatic waves, at a frequency such as to selectively hit the melanin contained in the dark colored hair on the light complexion, overheating it and denature the vital structures (in particular the bulb). If the surgery is performed correctly, the skin around the follicle remains unaffected.

In laser hair removal, therefore, the hair is not torn, but the photothermolysis (ie the light energy that turns into heat) causes the destruction of the bulb and of the cells that regenerate it, allowing to obtain lasting results.

Laser hair removal has a number of advantages: in addition to being painless, in fact, it promotes a reduction in the quantity and diameter of the hairs, as well as a slow, if not non-existent, regrowth thanks to the elimination of the hair bulb.

As the treatments are performed, in fact, the hairs grow back less quickly (from 4 weeks at the beginning, to several months later) and increasingly thinner. The US FDA authority describes laser hair removal as a " progressively definitive " method.


Laser hair removal is a treatment that can be used safely on the face, groin, armpits, arms, chest, legs, back and other parts of the body.

For an effective and lasting result, it is necessary to intervene on the desired area in several sessions, for a reduction of active hair (anagen) .

The affected area must be previously shaved, in order to guarantee that the power of the light beam is directed towards the hair bulb; moreover, it must be previously cleansed, therefore deprived of creams, perfumes, deodorants or any product that can interact with the laser. Furthermore, it is necessary to avoid waxing, remove the hair with tweezers or bleach them a month before epilating.

The setting of the type of laser light, the power and the frequency of the treatment depend on: characteristics of the hair (color, stem diameter and hair density), skin type, possible skin lesions and concomitant pathologies.

The session does not cause pain and only a slight heat or a sensation of discomfort is felt, similar to a needle prick. Sometimes, before proceeding with epilation, the operator can apply an anesthetic cream in some particularly sensitive areas of the body (face, armpits and groin).

During the procedure, the cosmetic doctor (or the qualified beautician) and the patient must wear protective glasses, specific to reduce the eye risk on the retina.

Depending on the area to be treated, the duration of treatment varies from 15 minutes to 4 hours ; each pulse of the laser acts on a surface of about two square centimeters and it seems that after a session there is a decrease in hair growth between 20-35%.

Immediately after the treatment, a reddening of the skin appears due to the action of the laser beam, which varies according to the degree of individual epidermal sensitivity. The redness is temporary and disappears after a few minutes.

How many sessions do you need?

The number of sessions varies according to the individual cases and the area to be treated with laser hair removal.

Usually, several appointments are required, set monthly or bi-monthly . The individual results depend, in fact, on a number of factors, including age, skin type, hair characteristics and hormonal structure.

To remove unwanted hair from the face with laser hair removal, for example, 4 to 6 sessions may be sufficient. In the case of large areas of the body, such as arms or legs, approximately 5-10 treatments are required. Generally, between one session and another, an interval of 4-6 weeks is provided.

The results obtained with laser hair removal are lasting, especially if maintenance sessions are repeated once or twice a year.

How much can it cost?

The costs of laser hair removal range from 30 to 50 per session for the smaller areas (including groin, mustache and armpits) and 80-100 euros for larger parts (such as legs and arms), depending on the machinery used.

The final price depends on the total number of sessions established to obtain satisfactory results: in general, a maximum of 8-10 appointments are scheduled, but the average is at least 5-6 treatments. For mustaches and underarms, 3-4 sessions may be sufficient, but it depends on the type of skin and coat.

In any case, the advice is always to rely on expert hands and always look for a recognized and certified beauty center: in fact, the contraindications of laser hair removal are mainly linked to any mistakes made by the operator.

When to do the sessions?

  • Laser hair removal sessions should be performed at least 30-40 days before sun exposure, as they may predispose to the formation of dark skin spots on the treated area.
  • If laser hair removal is performed on tanned skin, however, hypopigmentation may occur, resulting from damage to the melanin.

For this reason, it is better to undergo treatment in periods away from the summer or, generally, when there is the security of not tanning.

If hyperpigmented spots appear on the skin, creams based on hydroquinone and retinoic acid can be used, which usually solve the problem. However, there is no specific therapy for light spots, which tend to resolve, however, when the tan disappears.

Limitations of the technique

  • The laser can effectively treat only the hairs during the anagen phase, since the melanin is very concentrated in the hair bulb especially at this time. For this reason, between one session and another it is good to avoid the use of waxing and other tear epilation techniques, which interrupt the hair growth cycle .
  • Laser hair removal ensures better results on dark-colored hair on a fair complexion . For blond, white or bleached hairs, on the contrary, the hopes of success are reduced, if not nil. Furthermore, it is not advisable to treat skins with a high phototype (V or VI), as they have large amounts of melanin: in this case, the heat tends to be absorbed by the skin and not by the hair, resulting in a painful sensation during the session. This is why it is better to abandon the idea if the hair is light or the complexion is very dark, and, generally, if there is little contrast between hair and skin.
  • Laser hair removal does not eliminate hair permanently, as the effects of aesthetic treatment do not last for life. However, the procedure has the advantage of greatly slowing down the growth of hair, thus allowing to thin out waxing or other hair removal systems.
  • The removal of hair with laser hair removal is not 100% total . Generally speaking, a treatment that eliminates hair from the treated area can be considered excellent by 80%. These results can be maintained for a long time if maintenance sessions are repeated. The hairs that have not been completely removed are in any case transformed into a thin hair, not visible to the naked eye.

Contraindications and risks

  • Laser hair removal is not indicated for those who have little contrast between hair and complexion (light hair on light skin; medium-dark hair on a dark complexion, etc.), considering the risks of skin depigmentation. In any case, it will be the specialized aesthetic or medical staff who will evaluate the possibility of performing the treatment. Still for the same reason, it would always be good to do a little test on a small surface, not very exposed, to ascertain the effects of the laser on one's skin type.
  • Laser hair removal is a safe technique, which has no contraindications. However, if there are hirsutism and hypertrichosis secondary to hormonal dysfunctions it is always better to ask your primary care physician for advice or contact a dermatologist. Also the moles should always be evaluated before the treatment, avoiding to treat the cutaneous areas in which the melanocytes are present, as they are subject to modifications in case of absorption of the laser energy.
  • Laser hair removal is not indicated during oral therapies with high-dose corticosteroids, antibiotics, hormone replacement treatments, immunosuppressive drugs and other photosensitizers (such as isotretinoin for acne): the risk is to cause the onset of skin spots or produce only a temporary effect of hair loss.
  • Among the side effects are erythema, destined to reduce spontaneously in a few days, the result of an excessively energetic or unprofessional laser treatment.
  • Furthermore, after the laser hair removal session, it is important to avoid sun exposure, as the skin is particularly vulnerable to the effects of ultraviolet radiation and can react with an inflammation of the melanocytes, which will then tend to darken it. Therefore, on treated areas exposed to sunlight - such as the face - it is advisable to use a filter with high protection (SPF 50), even in winter.