lose weight

Running, slimming and toning

Message sent by: Valerio

Hi Valerio,

first of all I refer you to reading the article "Race and health" as it deals with the same subject.

The thin physique of a marathon runner is the result of a genetic predisposition combined with a very intense training program (even 100 or more Km per week) and adequate nutrition.

By training six days a week for 45 minutes you will hardly get an appearance similar to a marathon runner. Most likely you will lose a few pounds and your lower limb muscles will appear more toned. At the same time, however, a slight reduction in the muscle mass of the upper body could occur.

If you want to avoid this problem and get a more harmonious figure, you need to do some general toning exercises before the running workout (crunches for the abdominals, bending of the arms, pull-ups, etc.).

You don't need to go to the gym, you can do these exercises in the comfort of your home (see: keeping fit without going to the gym)

Do these exercises two or three times a week; for each of them you perform two / three series for an almost maximum number of repetitions (stop the exercise when you are close to muscle failure).

As for the training scheme to follow in the early stages:

- first of all, if you have not already reached this goal, you should try to run for the whole 40 minutes at a time without ever stopping. To do this, try to increase the running time by 5 minutes each week.

- after which you could start to insert some rhythmic variations (repeated) during the training, running for some stretches at a more sustained rhythm. You could also vary the distances traveled and the traveling speed, for example one day you could run for 6 km at a slow pace and the next day for 4 km at a fast pace.
