
Valeriana or Valerianella salad


The valerian salad (also called valerianella or formentino) is an annual herbaceous plant, classified in the Valerianaceae family, Genus Valerianella, Locust species; the binomial nomenclature of the valerian salad is Valerianella locusta . Other vulgar names of the valerian salad are: dolcetta, gallinella, lattugella, songino, soncino etc.

Disambiguation: in the following article, the Valerianella locusta will be voluntarily called "valerian salad"; this in order to facilitate its distinction from the Valeriana officinalis .

While the lamb's lettuce is used mainly for food purposes, the Valeriana officinalis finds ample space in herbal medicine for the tranquilizing properties of the roots and the relative extracts.

Valeriana officinalis belongs to the same family as Valerianella locusta, but to different genus and species.

The valerian salad is therefore a vegetable to be consumed in a similar way to lettuce and chicory (radicchi). The organoleptic characteristics sought are offered by the young seedling and its soft leaves; when it is left to mature, the plant lengthens for flowering and the production of seeds up to 30-40cm in height, therefore reduces its leaf mass and develops less pleasant portions on the palate (stem and flowers). Since developed, the lamb's lettuce is more palatable in cooked form.


The valerian salad is an annual herbaceous plant (when sown in winter) or biennial. It looks like a bush with no stem, with spatula-shaped leaves, bright green and about ten centimeters long.

In the late spring months it produces a branched floral stem in various bunches of small white-blue flowers. The fruit of the valerian salad is a gray achene with a smooth surface.

There are two clearly distinguishable varieties (cultivars) of lamb's lettuce. The first, which produces large seeds and elongated leaves, is called "d'Olanda a Seme Grosso" (suitable for cultivation in greenhouses); the other, on the other hand, fructifies smaller seeds and is called "Full Green Heart" (suitable for outdoor cultivation).

Origin, Diffusion and Cultivation

The valerian salad is a spontaneous plant of the Mediterranean territory and is present in all the relative temperate climate zones. According to certain French botanical studies (rather dated), the territories of origin of the lamb's lettuce are the major Italian islands, Sicily and Sardinia.

The valerian salad can be easily cultivated, since it does not require particular precautions. It resists brilliantly both in the plains and in the mountains and prefers sunny, well-draining and nitrogenous soils; can complement the exploitation of the land used for potatoes. Being a plant that is born in temperate climates, in northern regions it should be protected from winter frost.

The cultivation of lamb's lettuce can be done by direct seeding (broadcutting) in rows 15-24cm apart. At a temperature of 15-20 ° C the seeds germinate in about 7 days; sowing can be carried out in the period between spring and autumn, considering a productive life cycle of about 2-3 months. Weeding is always fundamental. Watering is to be done with dry soil and never during the hottest hours. The parasites are the same as all the other salads.

Gastronomic Use

The culinary use of the valerian salad is similar to that of the other leafy vegetables. Raw (for the sweetness and delicacy of the flavor) is preferred for that young woman; if sautéed, it is better not to exceed with spices and aromas (such as pepper and garlic), moreover, in both cases, we recommend the use of a delicate extra virgin olive oil.

Nutritional Properties

The lamb's lettuce has a very low energy supply and its nutritional function is mainly to increase the intake of fiber, minerals and vitamins in the diet. The few calories contained are of carbohydrate and protein origin, while the fats are irrelevant; cholesterol is absent. The most important mineral salts are iron and potassium, while for vitamins the concentrations of carotenoids (pro-vit. A), ascorbic acid (vit. C), tocopherols (vit. E) and folic acid stand out.

From a dietary point of view, the valerian salad is suitable for any type of diet, including: low-calorie therapy against overweight and nutritional strategies for the treatment of metabolic disorders. The portion of lamb's lettuce is (more or less) free and ranges from 50 to 200g.