lose weight

Lose weight with Kettlebells

After the release of my book Kettlebell Manual I'm getting lots of mails from training enthusiasts who are falling in love with this fun and functional way to train.

Kettlebells are finally spreading also in Italy and in Italian gyms. And I'm happy to have been the first Italian Coach to have published a book in Italy on these training tools and that thanks to this book, born to teach you the many exercises that can be done with kettlebells, many people are getting results exceptional on their physique. People who contact me thanking me that thanks to the kettlebells and the programs I proposed they found the desire to train, those who lost 10 pounds in a short time, those who recovered an injury quickly, who won a few races, etc. .. the list would be really long ... and all this can only make me happy.

Now what I want to do is offer you something that will help you increase your metabolism, burn a lot of calories and tone your muscles. It's a great job for those trying to get back to their lost fitness or for those who want to improve the current one.

Know right away that training with kettlbell, but with weights in general, is tiring and requires a lot of concentration and commitment, only those who train hard and consistently will get the results they want.

No one can give you the physical form you want without difficulty, all those who will propose something like this will be nothing but trying to fool you. And you will probably also lose some money.

The REAL results are obtained only with the "sweat" and with the sacrifices, if you want to find out how you just have to read the continuation of the article. Otherwise, if you are looking for something easier but fake, I recommend you change the page already ...

SLIMMING IS NOT WHAT SIMPLE ... Let's start with this sentence to try to understand what it really takes to get this ...

Just type in the word lose weight, slimming or something similar and thousands of links will open that deal with this topic. And if you try to take a closer look you will find that often each of these links has its own, totally opposite and contradictory opinions and everyone who tries to sell you something. It is normal that those who have to face this problem do not know exactly in which direction to go, and often end up in the trap of greedy commercials who, in order to sell their product, would also deceive their mother. Well, let's repeat the sentence SLIMMING IS NOT WHAT SIMPLE, and you will feel that inside you are creating worries, you create images that lose weight will require sacrifices and commitment. Ok, if at this point someone proposes you to lose weight without any effort and in a short time you will probably be inclined to believe him and do what he will say ... This is what happens to many people, who rely on the allegedly easy result instead of decide to tackle the problem as it really should be solved.

In this article I will try to create in you a bit of curiosity and interest to make you understand why it is so important to lose weight well. Only those who will modulate in the best way training and nutrition will succeed in this, all those who instead will be attracted by the easy result, probably in a short time they will come back as before if not with a few extra pounds!

As I said to lose weight properly you need to carefully plan training and nutrition. These are two variables that in synergy will bring you the best and long-lasting results.

If as far as nutrition is concerned I tried to explain to you the correct way to lose weight through the article "the science of losing weight", now I will try to show you how you can program a proper workout to make you lose those extra pounds.

The training to do what we set out will:

- allow you to burn more calories

- increase your basal metabolism

- strengthen your muscles

- improve your cardiovascular efficiency

- entertain you

Do not expect results in a week, those who train know that the results will come over time, but they will be consolidated and lasting results. All ultra-fast weight loss programs are unsuccessful and soon all the pounds lost will be bought back!

The training I want to propose to you in this article is to be performed with kettlebells, but it can also be very well set with the classic dumbbells and barbells. I preferred to use kettlebells because they lend themselves very well to circuit work and durability, exactly what we need to boost your metabolism and improve your cardiovascular efficiency. At the same time work will allow you to strengthen your muscles and improve your tone.

It can be very good to set up a job over a 4-month work period with evaluation moments. For each person that I follow I create a personalized periodization, but I think that the one I will propose to you now may be good for a large number of people (women and men) who want to get back in shape.

1 month: Adaptation - Full Body

2 month: Hypertrophy - Supersets

3 month: Strength - 5x5

4th month: Definition - Giant Sets

As you can see, it is essential every 4 weeks to vary the training and methodology used, this to give new training stimuli and keep motivation high.

The watchword is CHANGE! Many clients come to me, who are unable to achieve the desired goals, despite the fact that their instructor usually changes the card (almost always 8-12 weeks). The problem is that all these cards are made without any programming and without any physiological thread. It is still thought that to lose weight you have to do a lot of aerobic work and few weights ... but when ever! Instructors who invent exercises whose execution is almost impossible, when the fundamentals supported by the right methodologies are enough to obtain many results. Just think of athletes who always train with their usual 3-4 exercises throughout their career and no one has ever questioned them. Moments and quadrupedia slacks to reinforce the buttocks leave them to those who make the musical lessons ... Let go of all the useless exercises!

It is also important to give short-term goals, perhaps every two months and verify their achievement through simple tests (weight, circumferences, plicometry, bioimpedance, etc.). Be careful not only to use body weight as a benchmark, because it is misleading and does not differentiate fat from the muscular component. In fact, it often happens that even without varying in weight, people report bringing a size less, this because with the same weight the muscle, having a higher density than fat, takes up less space.

But let's leave the words aside and see the programs in detail ...

Month 1 Full Body

Month 2 Supersets

Month 3 5x5 varied

Month 4 Giant Sets

Good training to all and for any doubt I remain available to my email

Coach Umberto Miletto is the author of the book Kettlebell Manual published by Sandro Ciccarelli, where you will find illustrations of more than 70 exercises and many training tables for both men and women.