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Marrubio in Herbalist: Property of the Marrubio

Scientific name

Marrubium vulgare L.




Mediterranean countries

Used Parts

Drug given by flowering tops

Chemical constituents

  • Essential oil;
  • triterpenes;
  • Flavonoids;
  • Polyphenols;
  • Bitter substances;
  • Tannins;
  • Sesquiterpene lactones.

Marrubio in Herbalist: Property of the Marrubio

Marrubio is used as a mucolytic and cough sedative, particularly in chronic catarrhal diseases of the respiratory system; however, it also contains bitter substances that increase gastric secretion and choleresis.

Biological activity

The horehound is a plant endowed with various properties, among which the bitter-tonic, stomachic and choleretic ones stand out, attributed to it by the bitter substances, by the flavonoids and by the essential oil contained within it. In addition, the plant is given expectorant, sedative cough and antispasmodic properties at the bronchial level.

For external use, on the other hand, astringent, healing, detergent and antiseptic properties are attributed to marrubio.

However, the use of horehound has received official approval only for the treatment of appetite and digestive disorders.

Marrubio against inappetence and dyspeptic disorders

As mentioned, thanks to the stomachic, bitter-tonic and choleretic properties of the horehound, the use of this plant has obtained official approval for the treatment of appetite, digestive disorders and symptoms associated with them.

To treat the aforementioned disorders, the plant must be taken internally.

If the liquid marrubio extract is used (ratio drug / solvent 1: 1, using 20% ​​ethanol as extraction solvent), it is usually recommended to take about 2-4 ml of product three times a day.

Furthermore, it is not uncommon for the plant to be taken even in the form of infusions (for more information on this, we recommend reading the articles dedicated to "Marrubio (Herbaceous parts) in Tisane" and "Tisana colagoga-coleretica con Marrubio").

Horehound in folk medicine and homeopathy

In folk medicine, marrubio is used internally for the treatment of different respiratory tract diseases, such as bronchitis (both acute and chronic), pertussis, asthma, airway infections, catarrhal diseases of the respiratory tract and for the treatment of disorders such as tuberculosis, diarrhea, jaundice and painful menstruation. Furthermore, at high doses the plant is used as a laxative remedy.

Externally, however, traditional medicine uses marrubio for the treatment of ulcers and skin wounds, and uses it in solutions for rinses and gargles to be used in case of throat infections.

Marrubio is also used in the homeopathic field, where it can be found in the form of granules, oral drops and mother tincture.

Homeopathic medicine uses this plant in case of bronchitis and catarrhal diseases of the airways.

The amount of homeopathic remedy to be taken can vary from one individual to another, also depending on the type of disorder that must be treated and according to the type of preparation and homeopathic dilution that is intended to be used.


Avoid taking marrubio in case of hypersensitivity to one or more components, in patients suffering from gastritis and / or peptic ulcer and during pregnancy.

Pharmacological Interactions

  • serotonergic drugs: the aqueous marrubio extract showed an antagonistic effect of serotonin in the animal.