tooth health

After extraction of a wisdom tooth

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In addition to the tension that punctually accompanies the extraction of a wisdom tooth, what terrifies the vast majority of patients is the period immediately following the intervention.

What happens, then, after the extraction of a wisdom tooth? How should one behave?

The objective of this article is to draw up a series of useful tips to minimize the risk of infection and reduce all the painful symptoms that may appear after invasive surgery such as the extraction of a wisdom tooth.

Prevention of complications

To prevent post-extraction complications, the patient must be carefully informed about the correct behavior to take: the following recommendations and the observance of what the doctor suggests may undoubtedly speed up healing and, above all, minimize complications and pain after extraction of a wisdom tooth.

What to do

... within 24 hours after surgery:

  • Sleeping with your head raised on a pair of pillows is an effective remedy to calm pain and gum bleeding after a wisdom tooth extraction
  • To prevent or buffer any gingival bleeding, it is recommended to hold an absorbent gauze on the tooth extraction site for at least 30-60 minutes, without removing it or touching it with your fingers
  • Check the degree of gingival bleeding only after 30 minutes from the placement of the sterile gauze on the wound left by the tooth extraction: for this purpose, the swab must be removed not before half an hour
  • Take medications with pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory action before the effect of anesthesia wears off. Particularly suitable for keeping pain at bay is ibuprofen (eg Brufen, Moment): it is recommended to take the drug by mouth at a dose of 200-400 mg (tablets, effervescent sachets) every 4-6 hours after meals, as needed. Do not take more than 2.4 grams per day.
  • In the first 5-6 hours after dental extraction it is recommended to keep an ice bag (wrapped on a soft cloth) on the outside of the jaw, in line with the site of the operation. Remove the ice after 10 minutes and apply it again after another ten minutes.
  • If necessary, take an antibiotic as a precaution or in case of proven infection: follow the instructions given by the doctor. The antibiotic can only be taken with a prescription.

Indicative dosage of antibiotic therapy to prevent infections after a tooth extraction:

  • Amoxicillin 500 mg (to be taken even before extraction): administer one tablet of medication 2-3 times a day for 6 days, on a full stomach
  • Metronidazole 250 mg: take the drug 2-3 times a day, for 6 days, during or after a meal
  • Avoid driving immediately after extraction: it is advisable to be accompanied by a family member or friend, in particular if the extraction of the wisdom tooth has been invasive or complicated

... in the days following the drawing

  • An adequate rest in the days following the extraction favors complete recovery in less time
  • Gently rinse the mouth with disinfectant mouthwashes (eg chlorhexidine 0.2%) only after 12-24 hours after the wisdom tooth is extracted. Continue rinsing for at least two weeks after surgery: it is advisable to rinse the mouth - with a quantity of solution that may contain one scoop - for at least one minute. Do not swallow the product. Do not rinse the mouth with medicated mouthwash before having thoroughly cleaned the teeth with toothpaste and toothbrush: such an attitude can favor the appearance of stains on the teeth
  • Contact the dental office if the pain persists even 3 days after the dental procedure
  • Proceed with normal oral hygiene with extreme delicacy in the dental extraction site (do not force with the toothbrush, prefer soft bristles)
  • It is possible to support normal hygiene of the mouth with salt and water rinses (dissolve a pinch of salt in a cup of warm water)
  • When necessary, gently blow the nose to avoid strain that favors gingival bleeding

... in case of fever

  • Take antipyretic drugs (eg paracetamol) in doses set by your doctor
  • Contact the dentist immediately if your body temperature exceeds 39 ° C and you are unable to lower with medication

... in case of gingival bleeding

  • Keep calm
  • Bite a sterile gauze pad vigorously, keeping it pressed at the site of the operation. If gingival bleeding persists, replace a new sterile swab and do not remove it until bleeding ceases
  • Apply ice packs externally
  • Gently remove any blood clots in the mouth, respecting the indications suggested by the surgeon to the letter

What to drink and what to eat

  • Follow a soft diet, consisting of soft foods such as mashed potatoes, warm soups, warm soups, smoothies, minced meat, baby food, puddings, meatballs, boiled fish, etc.
  • Drink plenty of fluids to avoid dehydration
  • Prefer water or unsweetened fruit juices
  • Avoid foods that are too hot, excessively cold or acidic

What not to do

  • Drink alcohol
  • Smoking / chewing tobacco (abstain for at least 7-10 days after wisdom tooth extraction)
  • Suck at the extraction site: such behavior expands the healing time of the wound and increases the risk of infection
  • Touch the wound with your hands, especially if dirty (hands are a source of bacteria)
  • Use a hard bristle toothbrush
  • Chew chewing gum or gummy sweets for 3 days after tooth extraction
  • Chewing solid foods: such an attitude increases the chances of infection because the solid particles of the food can get stuck in the still open wound, opening the doors to the entrance of bacteria
  • Take medicines containing acetylsalicylic acid or salicylates in general (they may interfere with coagulation)
  • Use the electric toothbrush for dental cleaning: it is strongly recommended to avoid using the water jet until the gum is completely healed in the area where the wisdom tooth was extracted
  • Practicing sports or other heavy physical activities in the three days after the extraction of a wisdom tooth