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Laminaria in Herbalist: Properties of Laminaria

Scientific name

Laminaria hyperborea



Laminaria belongs to brown algae.


These algae are present mainly in the North Atlantic; practically absent in the Mediterranean.

Used Parts

The dried frond is used above all

Laminaria: chemical constituents

  • Mineral salts (potassium, chlorine, calcium, iodine);
  • Amino acids;
  • Vitamins (C and B).

Laminaria in Herbalist: Properties of Laminaria

Laminaria is generally used as a food, or as a source of alginates in antacid and gastroprotective drugs.

Being a brown algae with a high iodine content, Laminaria is recommended in case of asthenia, hypercholesterolemia, atherosclerosis, hypothyroidism due to iodine deficit, overweight and obesity.


The average daily iodine requirement is 150 mcg; it is therefore advisable not to exceed this threshold, otherwise there is the risk of interfering with the thyroid function. For this reason, it is important to prescribe only products with a defined amount of iodine.


Ascertained hypersensitivity to one or more components of the laminaria.

Pharmacological Interactions

Prolonged intake of alginates can reduce the absorption of iron and other minerals in the intestine.