
MICETAL ® - Flutrimazole

MICETAL ® is a Flutrimazole-based drug

THERAPEUTIC GROUP: Antimycotics for topical use

IndicationsAction mechanismStudies and clinical effectiveness Usage and dosage instructionsWarnings Pregnancy and lactationInteractionsContraindicationsUndesirable effects

Indications MICETAL ® - Flutrimazole

MICETAL ® is indicated in the treatment of dermatomycoses sustained by fungi, yeasts and dermatophytes sensitive to Flutrimazole, in the treatment of cutaneous candidiasis, in the treatment of pityriasis versicolor and in the treatment of seborrheic dermatitis.

Mechanism of action MICETAL ® - Flutrimazole

MICETAL ®, a medicinal product based on Flutrimazole, is used in dermatological clinics in the treatment of candidiasis and dermatomycoses sustained by microorganisms sensitive to Flutrimazole.

Used topically, this active ingredient easily penetrates the membrane structures by inhibiting the enzyme Lanosterol 14alpha demethylase and thus reducing the synthesis of Ergosterol, which is responsible for the structural and functional properties of the plasma membrane.

The loss of these characteristics and the accumulation of catabolites endowed with toxic potential seriously compromises the vital capacity of the cell inducing its death and thus guaranteeing a prompt remission of the symptomatology.

The fungicidal, fungistatic and even bacteriostatic activity of MICETAL ® is also optimized by the excellent pharmacokinetic properties that considerably limit the systemic absorption of Flutrimazole, significantly reducing the risk of systemic and noteworthy clinical side effects.

Studies carried out and clinical efficacy


Mycoses. 2010 Nov; 53 (6): 522-9. doi: 10.1111 / j.1439-0507.2009.01738.x.

Clinical trial that compares the clinical efficacy of Flutrimazole to that of Fluconazole in the treatment of dermatomycoses, reaffirming the similar efficacy of the two active ingredients.


Rev Iberoam Micol. 1998 Mar; 15 (1): 28-32.

Spanish study that demonstrates the good clinical efficacy of Flutrimazole, applied 3 times a week, in the treatment of seborrheic dermatitis, guaranteeing a good clinical result in the face of limited side effects.


Mycoses. 2003 Apr; 46 (3-4): 126-31.

Study demonstrating the effectiveness of the application of 1% flutrimazole in powder in the treatment of tinea pedis, showing a therapeutic efficacy similar to that observed for Bifonazole.

Method of use and dosage


1% cutaneous solution of Flutrimazole;

Flutrimazole cream for cutaneous use;

Gel for cutaneous use with 1% Flutrimazole.

The choice of dosages, pharmaceutical format and duration of therapy is the responsibility of the dermatologist who is an expert in the treatment of dermatomycoses, based on the patient's clinical conditions and the severity of the pathological condition.

Generally the application of the appropriate quantity of Flutrimazole directly on the skin region to be treated, once a day in case of skin solution, 3 times a week if the gel is used, is sufficient to guarantee a remission of symptoms in a few weeks of treatment.

Warnings MICETAL ® - Flutrimazole

The use of MICETAL ® must necessarily be preceded by an appropriate medical examination in order to clarify the infectious origin of the lesion and the consequent prescriptive appropriateness.

The patient receiving this medicine should avoid contact of the drug with eyes and mucous membranes, carefully cleanse the hands after applying the gel and follow all the appropriate medical instructions to optimize the therapeutic efficacy of Flutrimazole, limiting the side effects.

Prolonged use of MICETAL ® could induce the appearance of hypersensitivity reactions to the drug, rarely requiring the suspension of ongoing therapy.


The use of MICETAL ® is generally contraindicated during pregnancy and in the subsequent breastfeeding phase.

Any use, justified solely by real needs, should be carefully supervised by your gynecologist.


Drug interactions worthy of clinical note are currently unknown.

Contraindications MICETAL ® - Flutrimazole

The use of MICETAL ® is contraindicated in patients who are hypersensitive to the active substance or to one of its excipients.

Undesirable effects - Side effects

The application of MICETAL ® could determine the appearance of side effects, generally of a transitory and clinically insignificant nature, such as burning, redness and erythema.

The side effects worthy of note are decidedly more rare.


MICETAL ® is a prescription-only drug.