
Blisters on the feet: how and why are they formed?

The blisters are lesions detected on the skin plane, filled with transparent liquid. They form very quickly, can cause a burning sensation and be very painful (especially if the outer membrane is broken). In the foot, they develop due to excessive pressure or continuous friction against a particularly sensitive and exposed portion of skin.

The blisters are more easily formed on damp skin and in hot weather, when traveling long distances and wearing a new pair of shoes, rigid or narrow. The skin rubs, overheats and becomes reddened. In the end, the continuous friction leads to the separation of the epidermis (the outermost layer of the skin) from the lower layers and from the capillaries, the serum escaping which accumulates under the skin, forming a transparent bubble. The bladder then arises to protect the inflamed skin from further pressure.

Unlike calluses and corns, which develop as a result of prolonged (but less aggressive) rubbing, blisters come from intense friction, relatively short and located on a small area.