skin health

Seborrheic dermatitis

What is seborrheic dermatitis?

Seborrheic dermatitis is a fairly common condition, which mainly (but not only) affects the scalp; like all dermatitis, even the seborrheic one is characterized by inflammation of the affected area and redness, associated with an annoying sensation of itching.

Sometimes, seborrheic dermatitis looks like rosacea; for this reason, often, the two conditions are confused or can occur simultaneously.

Causes and symptoms

To learn more: Symptoms Seborrhoeic Dermatitis

Seborrheic dermatitis consists in the loss of greasy scales, caused mainly by a fungus, known as Malassezia furfur (Pityrosporum ovale), which causes skin irritation: the cells, after accelerated flaking to which they are subjected, produce scales, which manifest themselves in the form of crusts. Moreover, often the greasy and yellow scales are associated with other cutaneous manifestations such as folliculitis and erythema.

Seborrheic dermatitis is a chronic - relapsing disease: as well as in the scalp, it is found in the eyebrows, ears, inguinal and axillary level, areas rich in sebaceous glands.

The scalp is the soil preferred by the fungus, because the altered sebum is suitable for its proliferation: the sebaceous glands present are hyperactive, consequently the composition of their secretion is altered (hence the adjective seborrheic).

Malassezia furfur also irritates the skin of newborns; in these cases we speak of a milk crust, the cause of which is doubtful.

Risk factors

As with most dermatitis, even for seborrheic ones, the search for causes of origin is often called into question because it is uncertain: there are many possible elements or factors considered "suspect" that contribute to the appearance of seborrheic dermatitis. Possible causes include:

  • First of all, genetic predisposition
  • Stress, hectic life, mood changes
  • Hormonal variations
  • Use of corticosteroids
  • Pathologies affecting the immune system
  • Predisposing climatic factors (excessive heat, humidity)
  • Poor hygiene
  • Cleansing with irritants
  • Even the trichotillomania (mania of touching the hair continuously) and the immoderate use of plates could contribute to the formation of seborrheic dermatitis, as well as the tendency to brush the hair many times.

It is good to point out that in the case of seborrheic dermatitis the sebaceous glands do not increase in number, but suffer "simply" an alteration in sebaceous production, which becomes excessive, and of the composition of sebum, which irritates the scalp or the affected area.

Hair loses its natural beauty, shine diminishes, becomes frizzy and very oily.


Seborrheic dermatitis is quite common among adolescents (incidence of 3-5%): if this disorder appears in infants and adolescents, probably seborrheic dermatitis will persist even in adulthood.

Remedies and treatments

To combat seborrheic dermatitis it is recommended to use specific products for hair, which exert their action by inhibiting the proliferation and growth of the fungus; shampoos should also contain active ingredients designed to ignite the affected area. Sometimes, even drugs can be used (generally, hydrocortisone).

To learn more: Seborrhoeic Dermatitis Drugs

Considering, then, that seborrheic dermatitis is often accompanied by the fall of the hair, it would be appropriate to apply lotion specifically designed to counteract the miniaturization of the follicles: in fact, the excess of production tends to "crush" the hair bulb, consequently the hair He falls.

Alopecia or seborrheic dermatitis?

Hair loss related to seborrheic dermatitis should not be confused with androgenetic alopecia, since hair loss - independent of dihydrotestosterone activity - is determined by the oxidative stress to which the hair bulb is subjected.

Even in this disorder, nutrition plays an important role, managing to correct, albeit minimally, the pre-existing condition: fish is a source of polyunsaturated fatty acids (omega3, EPA, DHA), useful for the resistant forms of seborrheic dermatitis thanks to their anti-inflammatory action.