natural supplements

Acai Berry juice - Potential health benefits

What is Acai Berry?

Acai Berry is a berry with different nutritional properties and a certain therapeutic potential. This fruit, with a sour and pleasant taste, is produced from a palm ( Euterpe Oleracea ), widespread only in the Amazon.

Considered a highly energetic food, the Acai fruit has been consumed by the Amazon Indians for centuries, as a food base and a natural remedy for various diseases.

Recently, due to its antioxidant, energizing and potentially slimming properties, Acai Berry has gained popularity as a functional ingredient, especially following the marketing of its derivatives in the form of juices and food supplements.

In addition to fruits, from the Euterpe Oleracea is obtained the palmito (more commonly heart of palm), used as a food.

Currently, the known effects of Acai are mainly determined by the high content of:

  • Antioxidants;
  • Unsaturated fats (omega-3, omega-6 and omega-9);
  • Vitamins;
  • Vegetable proteins;
  • Minerals: iron and calcium.

that make it a fruit:

  • "Super-nourishing" and energizing;
  • cholesterol lowering;
  • immunostimulant;
  • Antioxidant;
  • Able to reduce the sense of hunger in the context of diets aimed at weight reduction.

However, from a scientific point of view, the evidence supporting positive health effects is still scarce. The research is oriented towards the study of other possible properties of the berry, in particular on its particular antioxidant activity and on its potential effects in the prevention of diseases caused by oxidative stress.

Botanical description

Euterpe Oleracea is a cespitose palm (most stems are gathered on the same base) that belongs to the Arecaceae family. The plant can reach 20-30 meters in height and has typical hanging pinnate leaves, up to 2 meters long. The Acai plant grows in the marshy areas of the tropical forests of Central and South America. Euterpe Oleracea produces fruits (drupes) gathered in compound clusters (racemes).

The characteristics of the Acai fruit

Acai berries are rounded, have a diameter of about 1.5 cm and are dark purple / purple. These fruits are rich in anthocyanins (antioxidant action) and other important nutrients, most of which are found in the peel and in the pulp, while the seed is usually not eaten. About 20% of the berry is made up of edible pulp, while the seed occupies almost 80% of the fruit. On the market, the acai fruit is found in the form of bars, juice or tablets.

The properties of Acai berries

Acai berries contain a number of active ingredients that can help improve the general well-being; furthermore, the substances contained in the derived products can also contribute to positive effects in the prevention of various medical conditions. It should however be pointed out that the potential benefits of Acai are still based on preliminary laboratory studies or simply on those reported on the individual components of the fruit (perhaps studied at much higher concentrations). At present, all possible health benefits have not yet been scientifically demonstrated.

The Acai possesses the following properties:

  • Thanks to the rich fiber content:
    • it is an ideal complement to any diet, whether slimming or maintenance, due to its high satiating power;
    • helps fight constipation and promptly regularizes the intestine;
  • It contains a considerable amount of anthocyanins and flavonoids, powerful antioxidants that defend the body from the aging process and from excess free radicals;
  • Due to the presence of polyunsaturated fatty acids (omega 3, 6, 9) it helps to limit the accumulation of cholesterol in the arteries;
  • It presents a rare synergy between a complex of amino acids and a strong concentration of phytosterols, which protect the heart from atherosclerosis
  • It is rich in iron, calcium, potassium, vitamins B1, B2 and C and mineral salts.

What are the potential health benefits?

The benefits brought by the Acai are numerous. The main ones are:

  • Promotes weight loss;
  • Supports the immune system;
  • Increase energy;
  • Combats inflammation;
  • Protects the cardiovascular system;
  • Increases libido.

The Acai as a slimming: satiating effect

Often, the Acai is advertised as a miraculous weight-loss berry. In reality, there is no supplement that can make you lose weight alone without associating it with a balanced diet and regular physical activity. However, just like fresh vegetables, these berries can help maintain weight control for the following reasons:

  • The Acai is able to significantly reduce the feeling of hunger and to favor a rapid achievement of satiety, thanks above all to the protein content.
  • With its high fiber content, Acai promotes bowel regularity, stimulating peristalsis, draining excess fluids and eliminating toxins.
  • Furthermore, the berries have a very low glycemic index.

Effects on cellular aging

Thanks to the high concentration of antioxidants (in particular, anthocyanins and resveratrol), the Acai could counteract premature aging and protect against damage caused by free radicals. These effects would be particularly effective against the cardiovascular system and the central nervous system. In Acai berries, the anthocyanins are present in quantities 30 times higher than in red wine.

oleic acid, polyunsaturated fatty acids and phytosterols, helps keep blood cholesterol levels under control and produces a synergistic effect with previous actions.

Other effects

Combats inflammation

Thanks to the sterols present, these berries play an important anti-inflammatory action. Recently, it has been shown that the polyphenols contained in the Acai exert (in vitro) an inhibitory effect on some enzymes responsible for inflammatory processes.

It is tonic and increases libido

The anti-oxidants contained in Acai berries help detoxify the body and strengthen the immune system against infections. Moreover, the phytocomplexes present exert a tonic action and can support the immune system. According to preliminary evidence, beta-phytosterols appear to support debilitating conditions caused by severe physical stress. As a result, the whole organism is more energetic, which also benefits sexuality.

Regenerates muscle tissue and strengthens joints

The berries contain 30% more anthocyanins than blueberries and good doses of essential amino acids: this synergy of active ingredients acts on the muscular tissue subjected to physical exercise, and can be useful to buffer lactic acid and increase lean mass .

Furthermore, among the many components of Acai there is glucosamine, a substance that helps keep cartilages and supporting membranes elastic.

Reduces cholesterol

The presence of fatty acids such as omega-3, omega-6 and omega-9, favors the decrease of cholesterol levels, with a protective effect on the circulatory system and prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

Note . The benefits provided by the Acai are still being evaluated. So far, the scientifically documented effects only show that the fruit pulp has a very high anti-oxidant capacity. Therefore, many of the properties listed are attributed to the acai mostly for commercial purposes, based on its phytonutrient and phytochemical content. The "reasoning" is simple and "wisely" used to leverage this and many other wellness products: it is assumed that a certain nutrient (such as vitamin C) has proved useful in the prevention and treatment of various disorders and / or to improve athletic performance and / or to support certain functions of the body; consequently, if the advertised integrator contains this specific nutrient then it is automatically awarded all the properties attributed to it. Unfortunately the question is not so simple, given that for various reasons (dosage, bioavailability, conservation problems, presence of other components of the phytocomplex, etc.), the integrator may not possess the properties attributed to him at all.

Mode of use

The juice - which comes from the pressing of Acai berries - can be drunk pure or diluted in other liquids, natural mineral water and fruit juices or juices. On the market there are also packs of frozen Acai pulp. The appropriate dose of Acai to be taken depends on several factors, such as the age of the user, his health condition, etc. At this time, there is not enough scientific information to indicate a precise range of doses. In general, it is advisable to follow the instructions published on the product labels. The purchase should only be made at trusted retailers, as various misleading advertisements have been disseminated on the Web, relating to counterfeit products or economic scams.

How to get the juice

The Acai is collected in a non-invasive form and must be processed within a short time from the harvest, as it tends to deteriorate easily. After processing, the product looks like a purple-purple pulp, which undergoes a pasteurization process and then immediately frozen (these technological processes significantly reduce the antioxidant potential and the vitamin content of the product).


  • total polyphenols: (anthocyanins, in particular cyanidin-3-glucoside) 3.2g / 100 g of dry weight;
  • protein: 8g / 100g of dry weight
  • fat: 32.5 / 100g of dry weight
  • essential fatty acids: omega-3, omega-6 (linoleic acid 12.5% ​​of total lipids) and omega-9 (oleic acid 56% of total lipids);
  • minerals: potassium, calcium, magnesium, copper and zinc;
  • vitamins: A, B1, B2, B3, C, E;
  • fibers.

How to use Acai juice

Acai juice is very concentrated and has a fairly strong taste. Some people may have difficulty adapting to the sour taste, typical of the fruit. This problem can be overcome by mixing Acai juice with other foods.

Acai juice can also be found added to Guarana syrup.

The Acai mixture with Guarana brings:

  • Energy and strength;
  • Concentration;
  • Fights free radicals by slowing cell aging.

Side effects

To date, as far as it has been possible to demonstrate, the consumption of Acai at the recommended doses has not shown any side effects. The berries have mild stimulating effects, due to their content in theobromine (similar to caffeine) which, in case of abuse in consumption, can be responsible for states of anxiety and insomnia.

At the moment there is no information for possible drug interactions, but to avoid possible unwanted consequences, it is advisable to consult your doctor before using supplements based on Acai, especially if you take regular medication.

Acai Oil in Cosmetics

Some cosmetics and beauty products contain Acai Oil in the list of ingredients. The concentration of antioxidants remains high even after processing the raw material, in different types of products. Studies show that Acai Oil can be a safe alternative to other tropical oils used in beauty products, such as face and body creams, treatments to combat skin aging, shampoos, conditioners, etc.


  • Do not use during pregnancy (due to anthocyanin content). Given the lack of evidence about the safety of Acai supplements, it is best to avoid use in children or during breastfeeding.
  • If you are suffering from a pollen allergy or in case of proven hypersensitivity to some berries, avoid the Acai juice.
  • In 2006, outbreaks of Chagas disease (American trypanosomiasis) associated with consumption of the Acai palm fruit were reported in the Amazon state of Parà (Brazil).
  • Scientific research has yet to confirm the totality of the beneficial and collateral effects of Acai berry juice. Therefore, it is not recommended to consume excessive amounts of product, as it could have side effects that have not yet been detected (it is advisable to follow the indications and not exceed the doses).

Final considerations

Acai juice is an excellent source of antioxidant substances, essential amino acids, vitamins, fiber and fatty acids. Manufacturing and distribution companies enhance their properties; however, further scientific data is needed to assess the effectiveness of the Acai and to support the highly publicized properties with evident scientific evidence.