
eye bags

See also: Caffeine against bags and dark circles

What are dark circles?

Dark circles are a rather common beauty problem that subtracts charm and beauty from the eye. These bluish and dark marks that appear under the eye are indicative of a congenital capillary fragility. The dark circles are therefore not a simple sign of the passing of time but an imperfection that affects even the youngest.


In addition to capillary fragility, the appearance of dark circles is linked to a long list of predisposing factors, such as individual inheritance. In fact, it is believed that dark circles can appear in an individual based on a genetic predisposition, as well as due to wrong habits and lifestyles characterized by excessive psycho-physical stress.

To understand how a wrong lifestyle can accentuate the problem it is necessary to clarify some basic concepts.

The thin layer of skin beneath the orbital cavity is rich in very thin blood vessels. When these microscopic capillaries break, small drops of blood come out which tend to expand in the tissues where they remain for a long time. This stagnation gives rise to the characteristic dark halo that distinguishes dark circles from other imperfections such as bags or wrinkles.

In addition to an innate fragility, capillary breakage can also be favored by incorrect behavioral habits.

The dark circles can, in fact, be accentuated due to:

  • Thermal stress (changes in temperature, direct exposure to sunlight or washing the face with boiling water);
  • Mechanical stress (continuous rubbing of the eyes or excessive contraction of the facial capillaries mediated by catecholamines, hormones secreted in response to strong psychophysical stress).

At the same time, even an insufficient night's rest favors the stagnation of blood around the eye sockets, facilitating the micro hemorrhages responsible for dark circles.

Finally, in some cases, dark circles can be caused by an accumulation of the melanin pigment (the substance responsible for the color and tanning of the skin) in the skin under the eyes.


Being generally very thin, a skin affected by dark circles is also more prone to wrinkles. For this reason it is very important to use a good moisturizer that nourishes the skin and protects it from dehydration.

In this regard, it is advisable to use high quality products (creams, serums, etc. for the eye area) specially formulated for this area of ​​the face so delicate and easily attacked by environmental and atmospheric factors.



Currently, there are numerous specific creams, serums and gels for the eye contour that are able to fight dark circles effectively. Vitamin K, for example, is one of the most effective active ingredients in lightening this blemish.

Another ingredient widely used in products to combat dark circles is caffeine, with anti-edema action (for more information: Caffeine against bags and dark circles).

If, on the other hand, the dark circles appear in chronic form due to an accumulation of melanin, then it may be useful to resort to suitable products that contain depigmenting or lightening agents (such as, for example, the licorice extract).

Finally, if puffiness (bags) accompanies the dark circles - in addition to using products and cosmetics suitable for their treatment - to mitigate the problem you can try to sleep with the upper body slightly raised; in this way an excessive reflux of blood towards the eyes is prevented.

Natural remedies

There are several natural remedies that can be used to combat dark circles, or in any case to reduce their visibility. Among these, we recall:

  • Chamomile, with emollient and decongestant properties. The latter are particularly useful when bags are also associated with dark circles. Not surprisingly, a handkerchief soaked in cold chamomile and buffed on the eyelids upon awakening is an ancient but effective remedy to reduce swelling.
  • Centella asiatica, with well-known stimulating properties against cutaneous microcirculation. In addition to this, centella asiatica is also equipped with anti-wrinkle properties.
  • The ruscus, a plant able to counteract the capillary fragility, at the same time exerting a soothing action.
  • Cucumber, well known for its moisturizing, anti-inflammatory and decongestant properties.


Diet can also help combat the problem; Vitamin C, contained above all in citrus fruits, broccoli, kiwi, grape juice and berries, is the protector par excellence of microcirculation (it strengthens the capillary walls).

Useful tips

As mentioned, dark circles are a beauty problem that can have multiple causes and can be influenced by several factors.

However, to mitigate them, or in any case to avoid them getting worse, it might be useful to follow some tips:

  • Thoroughly and daily cleanse the eye area using delicate and suitable products for this area of ​​the face, so as to eliminate make-up and dirt residues.
  • Do not use excessively greasy or occlusive products, as this will only worsen the situation.
  • For the day, prefer the use of eye contour products with sunscreens in order to protect the thin skin of this area from UV damage.
  • Use products containing moisturizing ingredients that can strengthen the skin's microcirculation.
  • Avoid smoking and - if possible - reduce stress.
  • Adopt a healthy diet, rich in vitamins and antioxidants.


The causes of dark circlesNatural remedies for dark circles Depigmented against dark circles Dark circles: Causes, Formation and predisposing factors Antiocchiaie - Cosmetics against dark circles