
Cracking of the Lips


Cracks are small cracks that can form in various parts of the body, electively in the lips, anus and nipple.

Cracking of the lips is typical of those who suffer from dry lips. The causes of their formation are to be found mostly in external agents, but in some cases also endogenous factors can contribute to the manifestation of this disorder.


As mentioned, the causes of cracking of the lips must be sought both in factors of an external nature and of internal origin.

The appearance of cracks is favored, in the first instance, by the loss of normal elasticity and, above all, of skin hydration.

The loss of skin hydration typically occurs due to atmospheric agents, such as excessive exposure to the sun, wind and cold.

However, the onset of cracks can also be linked to other factors of origin:

  • Traumatic (excessive rubbing of the lips, with the tongue or with the hands);
  • Cosmetics (intolerance to dyes contained in lipsticks, use of aggressive and unsuitable products);
  • Bacterial (infections);
  • Cooling diseases (it is very common that in case of colds, flu and a stuffy nose the lips become dry and chapped);
  • Nutritional (vitamin deficiencies, dehydration).

Finally, as it may seem strange to some, the cracking of the lips can be a consequence of the use of wind instruments. In these particular cases, the cracks appear mainly on the contour of the lips, generally in correspondence with the areas of contact between the mouth of the instrument and the lips themselves.


Since the cracks in the lips are nothing more than small cuts, the main symptom they cause is certainly an annoying and continuous burning sensation. In addition to this, the lips may also appear swollen and reddened.

Finally, in the most serious cases, the cracks can become deeper, up to the point of bleeding and being particularly painful.


The treatment of cracking of the lips will depend on the underlying cause of their onset. However, regardless of the cause, it is necessary to intervene also at the local level and not only upstream of the problem, so as to give relief to the mouth.

However, if on one hand the use of oily-based creams and portable sticks to be applied on the lips constitutes a valid protection from external insults, on the other the cracks in the mouth must also be cured from the inside, ensuring the body the right dose of minerals and vitamins (especially iron, riboflavin, niacin and vitamin E).

Also the abolition of the smoking habit, together with adequate internal hydration (drinking at least a couple of liters of water per day) and external (application of moisturizing, nourishing and protective creams), is a valid complement to the resolution of the problem .

Natural remedies

In addition to lip care products in pharmacies and perfumery, there are also several natural remedies that can be extremely useful in combating and preventing cracking of the lips.

The natural ingredients used in these cases usually have strong nutritional, emollient, moisturizing, protective and / or elasticizing properties. Among these, we mention shea butter, extra virgin olive oil, cocoa butter, beeswax, honey, sweet almond oil and aloe vera gel.

Useful tips

When it comes to cracking the lips, the best strategy that can be implemented to defeat them is prevention. In this regard, to try to hinder the appearance of this disorder, it may be useful to follow some simple tips:

  • Protect the lips with special products in case of cold, wind and sun exposure.
  • Use cosmetics and quality lip care products and do not be "dazzled" by products with excessively low prices.
  • Avoid licking or nibbling your lips continuously.
  • Adopt a healthy diet, rich in vitamins and minerals.
  • Drink plenty of water so as to keep the body well hydrated.
  • Avoid - if possible - sleep and / or breathe open-mouthed, as this behavior can promote dry lips with consequent appearance of cracks.

In the event that the cracks in the lips appear, or worsen, even following these tips, then it is advisable to consult your doctor.

In some cases, in fact, the cracking of the lips could also constitute the side effect of some types of drugs, as well as they could represent the symptom of some basic pathology not yet diagnosed.