
Running, Health and Weight Loss

Message sent by: Valerio

Hi Valerio,

running, being an aerobic activity, is very useful for maintaining and improving health and vitality over the years.

Among the benefits of the race and in general of all the other activities with a prevalent cardiovascular commitment (cycling, cross-country skiing, swimming, etc.) are:

  • prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases
  • body weight control
  • prevention and treatment of diabetes and hypercholesterolemia
  • improvement of bone tropism, lower risk of osteoporosis
  • improvement of muscular efficiency
  • lower risk of some types of cancer
  • improved mood and feeling of well-being (thanks to the release of endorphins)

While running is a healthy discipline, on the other hand it cannot be considered a complete activity. This term, normally erroneously attributed to swimming, indicates the ability of a particular sport to improve all the motor characteristics of the body (resistance, strength, speed, coordination, etc.).

It is no coincidence that the world health organization has established that to guarantee the optimal state of health and well-being, any training program, regardless of its purpose, must take into account the development of the following characteristics:

  • Strength and firmness of the abdominal wall muscles
  • Flexibility of the sacral and lower limb tract
  • Body composition as a ratio between lean mass and adipose tissue
  • Cardio-vascular and respiratory efficiency

For this reason I advise you to insert some general toning exercises (bending of the arms, tractions, bending of the legs, abdominals, etc.) at the beginning of the training and always ending each session with a bit of stretching.

Running is also not a sport for everyone and in particular cases (excessive overload on the joints, overtraining, running on rough terrain or on particularly rigid surfaces, inadequate footwear, etc.) can cause osteomuscular problems.

In any case, your training program should not create problems for you, unless there is some of the aforementioned risk factors such as:

  • "important" overweight (BMI> 28) calculate online ยป
  • unsuitable footwear
  • racing on rough terrain or on particularly rigid surfaces

Every now and then it would be useful to find alternatives to running (even for short periods), such as cycling, swimming or cross-country skiing, in order to vary the motor gesture a little and remove the risk of traumatic injuries due to repeated functional overload.



Running and weight loss: running is the best activity for weight loss (in the absence of contraindications);

  • Energy expenditure (Kcal consumed) = 0.9 x km traveled x kg of body weight
  • Fat consumption in g: (kg body weight x km traveled) / 20

Therefore running for 45 minutes at least three / four times a week, without particular sacrifices in the food field, you should be able to lose a few pounds without problem.

Obviously the calorie expenditure induced by the race must be combined with a healthy and balanced diet (without particular renunciations, preferring quality foods and avoiding useless binges).