
Drugs to treat Cervicitis


Cervicitis is an acute or chronic inflammatory process affecting the uterine cervix: it is a pathology closely related to bacterial and viral infections.


Sexually transmitted diseases play a major role in the manifestation of cervicitis. These include: chlamydia (especially), gonorrhea, genital herpes and trichomoniasis. In addition to infections, allergies (eg to the latex of condoms), and bacterial vaginosis promote the appearance of cervicitis.


Cervicitis begins with dyspareunia, abdominal pain, pain during urination, yellowish-greyish abnormal vaginal discharge, and vaginal bleeding after reports outside the menstrual cycle or during the post-menopausal period.

Information on Cervicitis - Drugs for the Treatment of Cervicitis is not intended to replace the direct relationship between health professional and patient. Always consult your doctor and / or specialist before taking Cervicitis - Drugs for the treatment of Cervicitis.


It is not uncommon for cervicitis to be completely asymptomatic: strictly speaking, it is advisable to undergo regular routine gynecological examinations (eg pap tests), which are useful for identifying possible infections and / or inflammations such as cervicitis.

Antibiotics represent the most appropriate class of medications for the treatment of cervicitis, as it is caused by bacterial infections; in case of herpes virus cervicitis, the administration of antiviral drugs is recommended. Hormone therapy, with estrogen and progesterone, is recommended for women with cervicitis in the post-menopausal period.


  • Azithromycin (eg Azithromycin, Zitrobiotic, Rezan, Azitrocin) is a macrolide antibiotic, whose recommended dose - in the case of cervicitis - is 1 gram, to be taken in a single dose. Particularly effective in case of Chlamydia trachomatis infections in the context of cervicitis.
  • Oflaxacin (eg Exocin, Oflocin): this drug belongs to the second-generation class of quinolones; it is particularly active against cervicitis (from Chlamydia infection or from Neisseria gonorrhoeae) when taken at a dose of 300 mg orally, twice a day (every 12 hours) for a week.
  • Doxycycline (eg Doxicicl, Periostat, Miraclin, Bassado) for chlamydial infections in the context of cervicitis: it is recommended to take 100 mg of drug twice a day for a period of 7 days. Alternatively, azithromycin is used in therapy against cervicitis where the patient is sensitive or allergic to doxycycline.
  • Ceftriaxone (eg Ceftriaxone, Pantoxon, Ragex, Deixim) indicated in case of gonorrhea cervicitis; it is recommended to take the drug at a dose of 250 mg intramuscularly, in a single dose. In case of chlamydial co-infections and gonorrhea within the cervicitis, it is recommended to administer doxycycline or azithromycin for 7 days.
  • METRONIDAZOLE (eg Metronid, Deflamon, Flagyl) for trichomoniasis cervicitis treatment: take 2 grams of active ingredient once a day, or 500 mg twice a day for 7 days. Alternatively, take 375 mg of the drug for a week, as directed by your doctor.


  • Acyclovir (eg Aciclovir, Xerese, Zovirax) in case of herpes virus cervicitis it is recommended to take an oral tablet (200 mg) every 4 hours for 10 days (when Herpes occurs for the first time), or one 400 mg tablet three times a day, for a period varying from 7 to 10 days, according to what is prescribed by the doctor.
  • Valaciclovir (eg Talavir, Zelitrex, 500 mg or 1000 mg): in case of first episode of genital herpes cervicitis, take one tablet (1 g) per day for a period varying from 7 to 10 days, as established by the doctor

Being sexually transmitted infections, in the case of cervicitis it is recommended that the sexual partner also undergoes antibiotic treatment, in order to prevent any recurrence and avoid complications.