nutrition and health

Coffee and Gastritis

Coffee and Digestion

Coffee is among the first places on the list of foods NOT RECOMMENDED in the presence of gastritis; the famous drink has in fact eupeptic properties.

As such, coffee can promote digestion, as it stimulates salivation and the secretion of gastric juices, thanks to the presence of caffeine and other synergistic substances (caffeone).

The digestive effect of coffee can be particularly useful in the presence of hypochloridria dyspepsia (reduced secretion of hydrochloric acid in the gastric environment).

Why avoid it in case of gastritis

Coffee is contraindicated in the presence of gastritis and peptic ulcer, since it accentuates the insult to the gastric mucosa, delaying its eventual repair.

Furthermore, caffeine is known for its ability to loosen the gastro-oesophageal sphincter, which prevents the gastric contents from rising back up into the esophagus; consequently, coffee should not be consumed, or possibly replaced with decaffeinated coffee, and always in moderation, in the presence of gastritis, gastroesophageal reflux, peptic ulcer or Barrett's esophagus.

Where is the Caffeine

Note that caffeine is present not only in coffee and other beverages or foods, but also in some medicinal specialties, for example against headaches. Other methylxanthines used in the prevention of bronchospasm (anti-asthmatic properties of theophylline and aminophylline) can promote gastric secretion.

Vomiting blood that resembles coffee grounds (hematemesis), then digested, is one of the key symptoms of severe gastritis accompanied by gastric ulcer.

Better to avoid too

In addition to coffee, in the presence of gastritis and its complications, it would also be advisable to avoid:

  • NSAIDs reduce the concentration of bicarbonate in gastric mucus and inhibit the synthesis of some prostaglandins useful for protecting the mucous membrane of the stomach; the gastrolesive effect is reduced for paracetamol and for selective COX-2 inhibitors.
  • Cortisone, similar to NSAIDs, but with different modes of action, exerts a gastrolesive action, probably going to disturb the blood flow to the gastric level.
  • Alcohol can promote the appearance of gastritis and peptic ulcer, since, at high doses, it reduces the amount of bicarbonates in the mucus.
  • Cigarette smoking increases gastric emptying time, facilitates gastro-duodenal reflux and reduces bicarbonate secretion; it is therefore one of the factors that predispose to the development of gastritis.
  • The sympathetic-mimetic amines and in particular the caffeine of coffee, but also of tea, cola, cocoa, guarana, maté, can drastically increase the acid secretion of the stomach, while caffeon can interfere with the defense capabilities of the gastric mucosa. Not surprisingly, gastroenterologists use the so-called caffeine test to evaluate the patient's gastric secretion.
  • Meals that are too abundant, consumed too quickly, without chewing, incorrect food associations; tomatoes, cocoa, juices, acid juices, cooked fats, fries, pepper, red pepper and spices in general are considered habits and foods that predispose to gastritis. See diet and gastritis.
  • The psycho-social elements such as strong stress, inner conflict, strong competitive spirit etc. complete the picture of the factors that favor the appearance of this disorder.