
Medications for the treatment of the Heart Breath


By "heart murmur" we mean a pseudo-pathological condition in which the duration, frequency and intensity of the heartbeats are different from the physiological ones: in other words, the flow of blood pumped by the heart loses its silence. In a patient suffering from a heart murmur, the doctor, using a stethoscope, perceives a so-called "laminar" flow, in which there is a slight hissing (a breath, in fact) when the blood flows inside the heart muscle.


The heart murmur can be a congenital dysfunction or develop late; there are two types of heart murmurs:

  1. Benign heart murmurs: they are harmless and do not degenerate into heart disease. They can be favored by anemia, fever, pregnancy, hyperthyroidism, valve malfunction, excessive stress, and are generally transient.
  2. Malignant or pathological heart murmurs: the cause lies essentially in serious heart valve anomalies, valve calcifications, cardiac dysfunctions, septal defects, endocarditis, rheumatic fever, infections, mitral valve prolapse


Benign heart murmurs do not generate any symptoms and do not cause any pathological effects, even in the long term. Different and more delicate discourse for pathological forms, which can manifest with various symptoms: increased / decreased appetite, cyanotic skin, chest pain (typical of angina pectoris), strong sweating, enlargement of the liver, shortness of breath, fainting, dizziness.

Information on Soffio al Cuore - Medications for the Treatment of Breath to the Heart is not intended to replace the direct relationship between health professional and patient. Always consult your doctor and / or specialist before taking Soffio al Cuore - Medications for the treatment of the breath.


As analyzed, the heart murmur does not always mask an underlying pathology; it is estimated that at least half of those born suffer from a benign heart murmur, which tends to resolve quickly. It should be emphasized, however, that even in the adult the heart murmur is not defined as a full-fledged disease, although it may be a sign of a basic cardiac alteration: for the diagnostic assessment, the doctor's opinion, one more time, it is essential.

A benign heart murmur requires no treatment, neither pharmacological nor surgical, precisely because the heart does not present anomalies; clearly, when the benign heart murmur depends on hyperthyroidism or a particularly high fever, it is essential to treat these pathological conditions which, consequently, will also produce a regulation of the frequency, intensity and duration of the heartbeat.

Different speech must be addressed in case of abnormal or pathological heart murmur: in some cases, it is necessary to undergo surgery:

  1. Cardiac catheterization: insertion of a catheter in the veins or arteries of the arms or legs (in particular, we consider the inguinal arteries), which is advanced to the heart chambers
  2. Replacement / fixing of a valve
  3. Reconstruction of a blood vessel
  4. Dilation of a blood vessel (stent insertion)

When surgery is not necessary, it is possible to follow a drug therapy in which the choice of the drug depends on the specific pathology that creates the heart murmur.

The following are the classes of drugs most used in therapy against heart murmur, and some examples of pharmacological specialties; it is up to the doctor to choose the most suitable active ingredient and posology for the patient, based on the severity of the disease, the health status of the patient and his response to treatment:

Overweight, obesity, hypertension and hypercholesterolemia are conditions that can increase the risk or exacerbate the heart murmur; therefore, it is recommended to undertake specific therapeutic-pharmacological pathways to treat these underlying diseases: not by chance, the disorders listed above constitute the main cardiovascular risk factors:

  1. Diuretics: diuretic drugs help eliminate excess fluids from the body; since the heart murmur could be accentuated by hypervolemia and the consequent hypertension, it is recommended to keep the blood pressure constantly monitored.
  2. ACE inhibitors and beta blockers: other drugs widely used to treat hypertension. As analyzed, pressure disorders can accentuate heart murmurs (when they exist) or even favor their appearance.

For further information: read the article on drugs for the treatment of hypertension

  1. Statins and fibrates: these are two pharmacological classes used in therapy for the control of cholesterol values ​​in the blood. In fact, high cholesterol seems to contribute to emphasizing the heart murmur and other heart valve disorders. For this reason, the administration of similar drugs can positively contribute to controlling and avoiding the heart murmur.

For further information: read the article on drugs for the treatment of hypercholesterolemia

Digitalis drugs : when the heart is not able to pump blood effectively, digitalis drugs can be a good aid, to be considered when the heart murmur is a consequence of a cardiac weakening.

  • Digoxin (eg Lanoxin, Eudigox, Digoss FN): the drug is available in tablets of 0.0625-0.125-0.5 mg, 0.5 mg ampoules or syrup (0.05 mg / ml). The precise dosage of digoxin cannot be reported, since it must be administered only after the diagnostic assessment and the detection of pathological severity. Consult your doctor.

Anticoagulant drugs : indicated for patients suffering from heart murmur, especially if at risk of stroke or myocardial infarction. They are useful for preventing the formation of blood clots in the heart:

  • Acetylsalicylic acid (eg. Aspirin, Cardioaspirin, Aspirinetta): when the patient is suffering or at risk of heart disease, stroke, angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, even in the context of a heart murmur, chronic administration of aspirin is an option therapeutic possible. The patient, in most cases, will have to take the drug for life. The recommended dosage varies according to the type of problem, indicatively from 50 to 325 mg or more per day. Consult your doctor.
  • Warfarin (eg. Coumadin): often this drug must be taken in combination with acetylsalicylic acid. Start the therapy with a dose of drug varying from 2 to 5 mg, to be taken orally or intravenously, once a day for 1-2 days; subsequently, the dose must be perfected by the doctor based on the patient's general state of health and his response to treatment. The maintenance dose involves taking 2-10 mg of the drug a day. Do not continue the therapy for too long a time. Consult your doctor.
  • Clopidogrel (Plavix, Zyllt, Zylagren, Zopya, Iscover, Grepid, Clopidogrel Winthrop, Clopidogrel Acino): the antiplatelet activity of clopidogrel is useful to prevent the formation of blood clots (blood clots) in the patient's arteries, at risk or affection from breath to heart associated heart disease. The drug is an alternative to acetylsalicylic acid. The dosage and method of administration of the drug must be established by the doctor on the basis of the severity of the heart murmur and the response to treatment.