nutrition and health

Rice or pasta?

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In the kitchen it is better to choose rice or pasta, which of these two foods has the best nutritional characteristics?


Power 353 Kcal
1476 Kjoule
Edible part100%
water10.8 g
Carbohydrates79.9 g
Lipids1.4 g
Protein10.9 g
fibers2.7 g


Power 332 Kcal
1389 Kjoule
Edible part100%
water12.0 g
Carbohydrates80.4 g
Lipids0.4 g
Protein6.7 g
fibers1.0 g

Looking at the tables above, a first comparison can be made between these two foods:

the pasta has a slightly higher calorie content, is richer in lipids, proteins and fibers while it is poorer in water and carbohydrates.

However, it should be pointed out that rice, despite having a lower protein content than pasta, has a superior chemical index * which makes it equivalent from this point of view, if not even superior to pasta.

Rice is also more digestible since rice starch is composed of smaller sized granules and is low in amylose (it only needs 1 or 2 hours of gastric activity against 3 or 4 hours of pasta). Its weight increases considerably during cooking, just think that from 1 pound of uncooked rice you get about 320 grams of cooked rice. For this reason it has a higher satiety index than pasta.

The parboiled rice as well as the wholemeal one preserves most of the vitamins contained in the grain. Finally, rice can also be used by coeliacs, since it contains little prolamine, a substance that participates in the formation of gluten.

In short, although the two foods are similar from the nutritional point of view, rice has some characteristics that make it, even if only slightly, better than pasta.

* CHEMICAL INDEX: it is given by the ratio between the quantity of a given amino acid in a gram of the protein under examination and the quantity of the same amino acid in a gram of the biological reference protein (of the egg). The higher this index, the greater the percentage of essential amino acids.


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