
Human bites: possible consequences

Among the bites of mammals, those inflicted by one man to another present more risks of complications. They can occur during a fight and accidentally during sexual activity, affecting parts of the body such as hands, face, trunk, arms and genitals.

In the case of a brawl, real bites ( occlusal ) and "indirect" wounds caused by the impact from the closed fist hand against the teeth that are struck can be distinguished. The latter type of wound is particularly subject to the development of infections from germs present in the mouth, which can penetrate the soft tissues and the underlying joints.

Human bites can transmit numerous diseases, including viral hepatitis B and C, syphilis and herpetic infections . The transmission of HIV is theoretically possible, but in reality it is negligible since the concentration of the virus in the saliva is much lower than in the blood and the presence of some salivary inhibitors make the infection less effective.