
Perfect buttocks, the secret of Brazilian dancers

By Dott.Luca Franzon

It seems clear to me that the title of this article is similar to the article on the arms of Marco Neri, of which I am a follower and student. It is also true, however, that if we talk about the buttocks we cannot fail to bring to mind the backs of the samba dancers.

However, while waiting to provide a magic wand, instructors and athletic trainers of the world, let's try to understand what are the mistakes that are often made when training the buttocks and what are the fundamental exercises to tone them up. Invitation to raise your hand to the young ladies who are reading this article who do not want samba-type buttocks at the Rio carnival. Let's start with some anatomy of the buttock. The buttock is that muscle that covers the latero-posterior part of the pelvis and that goes to fit on the femur. It is composed of three muscular bellies, small gluteus, middle gluteal and large buttock. Basically, at the biomechanical level, the gluteus is an extender and external rotator of the hip, even if the middle and small buttocks with some muscle bundles are also flexors and anterotators. He is the one most responsible for the following actions: getting up from his chair, walking uphill and climbing stairs.

First secret for perfect training: THE GLUTEO IS ONE OF THE MOST STRONG MUSCLES OF OUR BODY !! As a result it needs very intense stimuli !! First mistake made when training the buttocks: train them with endless series of impulses in all possible and imaginable positions! Second mistake: absolutely avoid basic exercises like Squats and sagittal lunges, because they make your legs swell, like that bodybuilder who is training right now under your eyes and who has crazy quadriceps! Let's dispel this myth the bodybuilder is looking for muscle hypertrophy, so he will train with certain loads and follow particular diets. Look at your legs and measure the circumference ..... now try to imagine the same circumference, but with less flab !! Result more beautiful legs no bigger. Naomi is the living result! Who trains with impulses does nothing but grind series on series going to the formation of lactic acid in rivers with the result of having in the critical areas a good precursor of cellulite !!! Congratulations you have done everything possible to make your buttocks worse.

Let's go back to bodybuilders, no one claims that every girl who enters the weight room becomes a body builder, no one wants to inculcate beauty into their heads such as can be a very muscular female physique, but nobody can say that bodybuilders don't have a nice back! !! If we are not on a strict diet, and we do that a good musculature is covered by a bit of fat and I repeat a little here you can safely book the plane to Rio and parade on the floats of the Carnival !! Let's stop the fantasy and start thinking about the practice. Training for the buttocks is good to associate with that of the quadriceps because they have some exercises that stimulate them together. In the event that you decide to do a bit of momentum, it is a good idea to use a law of muscular contraction (Borelli's law and Weber Fick) which says that a muscle that contracts completely but does not lengthen completely shortens, consequently the impulses they must be performed with short contraction movements. We will use the momentum or the machines for the buttocks as a heater.

The fundamental exercise is the squat and hear hear with heavy loads because doing so we stimulate the force with more tonicity result but not hypertrophy then firm buttocks. Let us remember that the muscles of the buttock is the main motor when we get up from a chair, which exercise is closest to this movement? NATURALLY THE SQUAT !! Another exercise that is often overlooked, but which is so good for the buttocks is the detachment with legs extended. To add to the list of exercises to do, surely the lunges, since the back leg goes in considerable extension and just in case the buttock is a extender of the hip. In the background comes the press which is still a good exercise but which cannot be considered synonymous with the squat, but which I think is very useful when there are problems with joint mobility. Another good thing to do is how often the buttocks can be exercised. My opinion and experience is also in all sessions. Such as? Dividing the legs in two. That is in a quadriceps and buttocks training in the second hamstring and buttocks workout in the third workout by doing a circuit training with toning exercises mixed with aerobic machines.


This could be a table to start training your buttocks correctly and seriously !!!

TRY TO BELIEVE ......... I'm willing to bet that with this training your buttocks will improve !!