veterinary medicine

What to do if you get stung by a jellyfish

In the event of a close encounter with the stinging tentacles of a jellyfish :

Do not use fresh water : it could activate the nematocysts left on the skin (stinging structures that jellyfish use to defend themselves), favoring the release of the irritating substances they contain. No even to ice. To rinse the affected part, only sea water should be used, in order to dilute the toxin not yet penetrated.

Do not scratch the affected area and be careful not to touch your eyes or mouth.

Attention to the sun : exposing the area can favor the appearance of dark skin spots, which ultraviolet rays could make lasting. Therefore, the affected part should be covered until complete recovery.

No to cortisone if the reaction is localized : to soothe the itch, instead, it is useful to resort to a cream based on aluminum chloride.

Go immediately to the emergency room if other disorders (headache, nausea, vomiting, dizziness and difficulty breathing) appear : it is good to seek a prompt medical intervention; in some particularly sensitive people, in fact, the sting of a jellyfish can trigger an allergic reaction or, worse, an anaphylactic shock.